Exhibitors 2019

Impianto di miscelazione controllato da PLC e con sistema di movimentazione a nastro trasportatore

Impianto di miscelazione controllato da PLC e con sistema di movimentazione a nastro trasportatore

The mixing plant allows to carry by means of a conveyor belt an empty container from the stock of containers to a load cell. In the load area the container is filled with liquids contained within two tanks until it has reached the maximum weight fixed in the PLC program. When it gets filled, the recipient is carried from the load area to the area in which an operator can pick up it. Movement of the conveyor belt is ruled by a frequency shift of 20 Hz to 50 Hz of the sinusoidal signal generated by the inverter and applied to the AC motor. The level of the liquid from the first recipient is controlled by a transducer indicating the level of liquid into the recipient, The weight of the recipient in the load area is detected by a load cell. The program for the plant’s automation was developed by Zelio Soft.

Impianto di miscelazione controllato da PLC e con sistema di movimentazione a nastro trasportatore

Classe 5 C anno scolastico 2018-2019 - I.I.S. Amedeo Avogadro di Abbadia San Salvatore

The 5C class of the Institute "A. Avogadro" from Abbadia San Salvatore is composed of 15 students who are studying to earn the graduates as electronic and electrotechnics technician.

  D29 (pav. 5)
Data updated on 2024-05-17 - 10.48.22 am