Exhibitors 2019

 CNR4All Bioristor: Sensori biocompatibili per il monitoraggio dello stress idrico delle piante

CNR4All Bioristor: Sensori biocompatibili per il monitoraggio dello stress idrico delle piante

We have developed a highly biocompatible biosensor that is inserted into the stem of plants and is able to monitor the composition and change of plant sap continuously and in real time. Thanks to the continuous and in vivo monitoring of the characteristics of the sap, information on the health of the plant and its water stress can be obtained. Knowing the conditions of the plant directly from its inside, it is possible to determine the correct amount of water to be given to the plant, managing to optimize irrigation and reducing water waste. The sensors were applied in the open field and monitored 30 tomato plants throughout the growing season. Thanks to the measurements taken, 36% of water could be saved.
Thanks to internal monitoring of the plant, real-time information can be obtained on how the plant is actually hydrated. This allows to act in real time, while with other optical methods, linked to the image by drone or satellite, the plants show the signs of suffering from water stress only after several days. Instead, you can act with this sensor early. Thanks to the sensor information it is possible to understand even if there is damage to the plant due to saline contamination of the water, which in certain areas of our country is affecting different soils. Thanks to plant monitoring, information on the biological compatibility of environments and ecosystems can be obtained, using plants as a natural sensor of the well-being of urban areas.

 CNR4All Bioristor: Sensori biocompatibili per il monitoraggio dello stress idrico delle piante

Nicola Coppedè, Andrea Zappettini, Michela Janni, Filippo Vurro, Riccardo Manfredi

Nicola Coppedè è ricercatore presso l’Istituto dei Materiali per l’elettronica e il magnetismo IMEM-CNR Parma dal 2012. Dal 2019 è responsabile dell’unità di ricerca “Signal” che si occupa di materiali e dispositivi per la sensoristica distribuita.
Si è laureato in Fisica Presso l’Università degli studi di Pisa nel 2001 con tesi dal titolo “Near field Microscopy of superconductive films deposited by laser ablation”

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