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Robotica @ Università Politecnica delle Marche

Robotica @ Università Politecnica delle Marche

Some of the recent research and development activities on robotics and intelligent machines, currently ongoing at the Department of Information Engineering of Università Politecnica delle Marche. In detail, the project activities of the research groups operating on the following topics will be shown:
- robotics and vision in smart agriculture (sensors and aerial vehicles for precision agriculture, and audio / video support);
- assistive robotics (assistive robotic solutions for mobility and human-robot interaction, and audio / video support);
- marine robotics (marine robotic solutions and audio / video support).

Robotica @ Università Politecnica delle Marche

Alessandro Freddi, Emanuele Frontoni, Sauro Longhi, Adriano Mancini, Andrea Monteriù, David Scaradozzi.

ALESSANDRO FREDDI - Dr. Alessandro Freddi is Assistant Professor at Università Politecnica delle Marche (Ancona, Italy), where he teaches “Measurement and Instrumentation for Automation” and is founding member of “Syncode”, a startup operating in the field of industrial automation. His main research activities cover faultdiagnosis and fault-tolerant control with applications to robotics, and development and application of assistive technologies.
EMANUELE FRONTONI – Emanuele Frontoni is Professor of "Fondamenti di Informatica" and "Computer Vision” at the Università Politecnica delle Marche, Engineering Faculty. He received the Doctoral Degree in Rlectronic Rngineering from the University of Ancona, Italy, in 2003. In the same year he joined the Dept. of Ingegneria Informatica, Gestionale e dell’Automazione (DIIGA) at the Università Politecnica delle Marche, as a Ph.D. student in Intelligent Artificial Systems. He obtained his PhD in 2006 discussing a thesis on Vision Based Robotics. His research focuses on applying computer science, artificial intelligence and computer vision techniques to mobile robots and innovative IT applications. He is a member of IEEE and AI*IA, the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence.
SAURO LONGHI – Sauro Longhi graduated with honors in Electronic Engineering from Università di Ancona in 1979. Since 1983 he has worked at the Faculty of Engineering of the same University, where he became Full Professor of Automatic Control in 2001. From 2001 to 2013 he was coordinator of the PhD course in "Intelligent Artificial Systems", later a module in Computer Engineering, Management and Automation of the Doctoral School in Engineering Sciences of Università Politecnica delle Marche. From 2011 to 2013 he was Director of the
Department of Information Engineering of the same University. From 2005 to 2012 he was President of the Degree Course in Computer Engineering and Automation and from 2012 to 2013 he was Member of the Academic Senate at the same University. Since 2012 he is a member of the scientific council of the Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship. Since November 2013 he is Rector of Università Politecnica delle Marche. From April 2014 to November 2014 he was National President of the “Technologies for Living Environments” Cluster.
Since May 2014 he is also President of the GARR Consortium, the Italian national computer network for universities and research. Since December 2014 he has been a member of the Management and Control Body of the "Intelligent Factory" Cluster. He is a member of the IFAC Technical Committee (TC) on Marine Systems. His research interests include modelling, identification and control of linear and nonlinear systems, control of mobile robots, underwater vehicles, vessels and unmanned aerial vehicles, cooperative control of autonomous agents,
service robots for assistive applications supporting mobility and cognitive actions, home and building automation, networked and decentralized control, sensor networks, power management in hybrid cars, electric motor control, embedded control system, management and control of renewable energy resources, efficient management of energy systems, automatic fault detection and isolation. He has published more than 400 papers on international journals and conferences.
ADRIANO MANCINI – Adriano Mancini was born in Fermo, Italy, on 30th December, 1982.
In 2006, he received “cum laude” the Master Degree in Industrial Automation from Università Politecnica delle Marche with a thesis entitled “Modellistica e controllo di velivoli a decollo verticale: caratterizzazione dei sistemi sensoriali di bordo” In 2010, he received the Ph.D. degree in Artificial Intelligence Systems from Università Politecnica delle Marche, under the supervision of Prof. Primo Zingaretti, with a PhD thesis entitled “A new methodological framework for land use/land cover mapping and change detection”.From April 2010 to November 2018 he had a post doc position at Università Politecnica delle Marche, Department of Information Enginnering where he is now Assistant Professor.
ANDREA MONTERIU’ - Andrea Monteriù received the M.Sc. Degree “cum laude” in Electronic Engineering and the Ph.D. Degree in Artificial Intelligence Systems from Università Politecnica delle Marche, Italy, in 2003 and 2006, respectively. His M.Sc. thesis has been developed at the Technical University of Denmark. In 2005, he was a visiting researcher at the University of South Florida. Currently, he is Associate Professor at the Dept. of Information Engineering of Università Politecnica delle Marche. His research interests include fault diagnosis, fault tolerant control, nonlinear dynamics and control, periodic systems, stochastic systems, and applications in marine, industrial and robotic systems. He is involved in different research projects, he has published more than 110 papers in international journals and conferences, and he is the author of the book “Fault Detection and Isolation for Multi-Sensor Navigation Systems: Model-Based Methods and Applications” and is co-editor of four books on Ambient Assisted Living and of another book regarding “Human Monitoring, Smart Health and Assisted Living: Techniques and Technologies”.
DAVID SCARADOZZI - David Scaradozzi graduated in Electronic Engineering at Università Politecnica delle Marche in 2001. After the PhD in Intelligent Artificial Systems, he worked in the R&D department of Indesit Company. Since 2007 he is Assistant Professor at the Department of Information Engineering of Università Politecnica delle Marche (UNIVPM). At UNIVPM, David Scaradozzi is a member of the Professors Board of the PhD School in Information Engineering and is Chair of the courses: “Model Identification and Data Analysis” (Bachelor’s Degree in Automation Engineering); “Design and Optimisation of the Control systems” (Master’s Degree in Automation Engineering); “Advanced virtual instruments for simulation and control of complex systems” (PhD School in Information Engineering). For the period 2014 - 2018 he was vice president of the Information Engineering Commission at the Italian Association of Professional Engineers (Department of Ancona). Since 2014 he is the Mobility Delegate of the Engineering Faculty and since 2013, David is Chercheur Associé at LSIS - umr CNRS 6168 – Marseille, France. He is author of about 90 publications in refereed international journals, books and conferences. His research activities are in the fields of: - Control and Optimization of dynamical systems; robotics and Automation; underwater and educational robotics.

  C41 (pav. 9)
Data updated on 2024-09-16 - 12.35.14 am
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