Exhibitors 2019



During the business needs analysis of Dolceamaro srl (a company from Molise and one of the leading competitors in the production of confetti in Italy) it shows that in the phase of almond peeling (which is currently done by immersing the almonds in boiling water) there is a critical point, which leads to a 50% loss of product due to the breakage of almonds. Please note that the almond is made of two halves, which with the current peeling method (peeling in water and subsequent drying in the oven) they tend to separate. Therefore, as described, it represents an economic loss for the company and as a result it will have to use a larger quantity of raw material (almonds) to satisfy the product demand (confetti).
Our idea was to improve the production process of almond peeling through innovative technologies, in order to reduce the percentage of product waste.
Students of the ITS V cycle, AgriOIL 4.0 course, supported by experts from the companies Dolceamaro srl and Sensor ID (experts in the design and production of IOT devices (Internet of Things), elaborated the idea of experimenting innovative technologies for the peeling phase of almonds. The performances of the single technologies have been experimented and compared with commercial instruments. The MPV (Minimum Viable Product) prototype, which will be exhibited at the Maker Faire Rome 2019, was designed with the use of non-invasive technologies, currently used in the biomedical field, to be used in the phase of almond peeling, without causing them to break and greatly reducing product waste.


Fondazione ITS D.E.Mo.S.

The Molise Region has established a Higher Technical Institute, in the sector of "New technologies for the Made in Italy - agri-food system. The Molise ITS courses are based in the agri-food sector, promoted and funded by the Ministry of Education, University and Research and by the Molise Region and managed by the D.E.MO.S. (Economic Take-off Molise Development), non-profit. The ITS courses, designed and created to meet the socio-economic development needs of the Molise territory and offer young people real job opportunities, form highly qualified technicians at post-secondary level, who respond to the labor market demand, with regards to the agri-food sector. The collaboration with partner companies is a fundamental asset of the training activity carried out by ITS D.E.MO.S. The partners are companies and institutions of territorial, national and international level, which stand out in their relative sectors for competence, excellence and competitiveness. All partners are supportive in combining the training plan that matches the needs of the labor market; they guarantee by hosting ITS students in their companies, activating internships and offering their technical-professional contribution, covering the role of trainers for teaching activities.

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Data updated on 2024-05-17 - 10.48.22 am