Exhibitors 2019

La Casa Sana - Healty Home

La Casa Sana - Healty Home

Millepiani Coworking created -Healthy Home- an -open zone- to explore new tools, movements and mindsets to make cities and technologies for people. This include working with a range of collaborators to ensure that cities not only ensure that people get to where they need to be, but also are places of equitable access, affordable living and offer vibrant public life. Amongst the various objectives of the coworking it’s important to emphasize the need to stimulate and reinforce self-managed networks for the exchange of information, goods and services, as well as the creation of sustainable companies working in innovative areas such as p2p, green and sharing economies, cooperation, circular economies and agile/ light work.
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Our proposal brings together the bio-architecture and living wellness skills present at Millepiani coworking, in particular with "Wildnest Bioarchitettura & Feng Shui" and "L’Altro Abitare Architettura Sostenibile", which are dedicated to sustainable design, using innovative materials, technologies for energy saving and the creation of living environments that promote physical and psychological wellness.
The exhibit proposal at the Maker Faire is a space for rediscovering traditional materials in a contemporary key, experimenting and knowing the biocompatible and eco-sustainable materials of natural origin.
We will discover how new construction technologies can reduce the energy consumption of our homes and even produce energy, improve the quality of indoor air and living comfort, safeguarding our health and daily wellness, reducing waste and environmental pollution.
We will demonstrate how the use of these materials and construction technologies can meet personal wellness by joining the work on the perception of spaces with colors, materials and shapes in order to create a healthy living space. A space of knowledge and sharing of the home understood as our second skin, like a body that breathes with us and reflects on our life.

La Casa Sana - Healty Home

Millepiani - Anna Grossi Giardiniera Paesaggista - L'Altro Abitare Architettura Sostenibile - Wildnest Bioarchitettura e Feng Shui

Millepiani is an open space of 400 square meters, which includes an event space (100 seats and projection screen), a meeting room (15 seats with plasma screen), and several desks for startups and coworkers. A space for innovation, which promotes collaboration, serendipity and a cross-disciplinary approach, an authentic platform to convey shape to new business ideas, expand your professional network, and strengthen your projects.
 Thematic areas: green and circular economy, energy efficiency and sustainable mobility
, technology of life, health and wellness
, cultural and tourism and heritage,
 design, information and communication
, social innovation.

Daniela Mancini
Architect specializing in Feng Shui, Bio-architecture and with a strong focus on the environment.
She carries out the professional activity of architectural design and consultancy for indoor environmental wellness, paying particular attention to aspects such as psychological and personal growth, as well as the use of natural materials and the integration with outside environment.
She combines deep knowledge and experience in the fields of architectural design, bio-architecture and international landscape architecture , with the Feng Shui consultant skills.
She pursues an aesthetic obeying to the criteria of simplicity, sustainability and integration with the environment, combining ancient Chinese knowledge, with the tradition of western living and technological innovation.
She practices Feng Shui in the context of a wider understanding of the home and the working space, in order to rediscover the true essence of a place. This will offer to those who live it, an occasion to fully savoring and living it while improving its relations with the space and its other inhabitants.
In 2016 she fouded "Wildnest Bioarchitettura e Feng Shui": the involvement and integration between space and person, becomes a central theme of design, a synthesis of the path between environment, bio-architecture and personal research. This is integrated in her architectural approach, that puts at the center of planning, improving the quality of people's life and personal space together with their own ecological footprint on the world.

Federica Rella
Architect interested and committed to sustainable and ecological architecture explores the issues of indoor health and the toxicity risks of materials that are usually used in construction and furnishing invoice.
In 2017 she became an energy consultant accredited by the CasaClima Agency of Bolzano and in 2014 she co-founded L'Altro Abitare Study of Sustainable Architecture which focuses on human wellbeing and respect for the environment. As a freelancer she works as an expert consultant in bio-architecture, bio-climatic and energy saving on projects for energy upgrading of existing buildings and new buildings.
Alongside his professional activity, she actively participates as a volunteer in the activities of various associations in the area. With the architects Laura Pesarin and Tupac Santeliz are the promoters of the project Voglio una Casa Sana, which, through training events and application laboratories, wants to activate a cognitive and awareness path on the healthiness / toxicity inside our homes.
By experiencing and knowing the biocompatible materials, recovering forgotten and healthier ways of living and using new technologies to save and produce energy, we can better safeguard our health and our daily well-being by reducing waste and environmental pollution.

Tupac Santeliz
Architect, graduated at the Central University of Venezuela, explores the issues of Bio-Architecture through the study of construction systems of houses in wood and bamboo and deals with the sustainable use of some materials such as steel and raw earth and of rainwater and house drainage recycling. In 2017 he moved to Italy and dedicated himself to investigating techniques and good practices, aimed at saving energy in buildings.
With the architects Laura Pesarin and Tupac Santeliz is the promoter of the project I want a healthy home, which, through training events and application
laboratories, wants to activate a cognitive and awareness path on the healthiness / toxicity inside our homes. study and realization of earthworm farms for the transformation of organic material / compost into humus to fertilize edible, medicinal, fruit and ornamental plants. In parallel with his professional activity, he actively participates as a volunteer in the activities of various associations in the area, MDF-Movimento Decese degrescenza, participating in the dissemination of bicycle use for more sustainable mobility.
With architects Laura Pesarin and Tupac Santeliz is the promoter of the project.
Casa Sana, which, through training events and application laboratories, wants to activate a cognitive and awareness path on the healthiness / toxicity inside our homes.

  A5 (pav. 3)
Data updated on 2024-05-13 - 11.24.21 am