Exhibitors 2021



The project consists in the realization of a management system of a gates engine based on the artificial intelligence. It was realised with a circuit with the card Arduino nano 33 BLE sense integrated with a peripheral circuit RTC (real time click) that allows to measure characteristics parameters like vibration, temperature and noise as well as time of operation. Have been added some led that report the maintenance to perform averting greatly the probability of breakdown avoiding false alarms. The data that came from sensors are interpreted and filtered with the machines learning realised during the framework Tensorflow lite that allows to train the machine and to create a model of artificial intelligence.
To prevent false alarms the system crosses the data of vibration with the ones of noise making sure that the anomaly is reported only if the vibrations are different from normal workloads or if both vibrations and noise are superior to the established limits. About the ML the system implement the strategy of a semi supervised learning.


Fablab Algeri Marino

The Algeri Marino FABLAB laboratory is designed as an innovative space for shared work and research.
Students can measure themselves in making, so in the learning of frontier technologies, programming language, internet of things, creation of prototypes, design projects, materials technology, various kind of objects, automation and interfacing with mobile devices, energy management, robotics.
The goal is to let the students discover a place in which they could explore and frequent themes and new and really contemporaries routs, proposing courses of education at the technologies and innovation and spreading the culture of self-employment, of research of the product, of the start-up.
Other activities are solid modelling, digital prototyping, of the internet of things, development of APP, of innovative companies, of the concept of "network" of skills to achieve ever higher and at the same time sustainable goals.
These insights are useful to give to students an overall picture on the theme of "know-how", to stimulate them to design and creative initiative. In particular, they focus on the design, implementation and management of networks of devices and sensors, including wireless ones. The applications of these systems in daily life are numerous and are oriented towards the creation of a better environment for humans to work and live.
Making people understand how to positively channel energy and ideas that may arise in the future is the primary goal of the proposed activities.

Data updated on 2024-10-04 - 4.04.40 am