Exhibitors 2021

Result for TAG "Biology"

Giacomo Cesari

Flying Drone with dangerous gases and particulate sensors for altitude analysis

  J.2.03 (pav. J)

Team DigiLAB Volta - I.I.S. Alessandro Volta Frosinone

The Android called 'Brother', with autonomous decision-making abilities and interaction with the outside world based on event recognition through the use of Artificial Intelligence techniques. Brother is able to recognize the Italian sign language LIS by translating it into audio and Braille.

Maurizio Calvitti; Riccardo Moretti; Elena Lampazzi; Giulia Fabbri; Giulia Lombardi

The state of the art in up-scaling an innovative method to hinder the spread of the Asian Tiger Mosquito

  J.S.19 (pav. J)

Prof.ssa Carmela Saturnino, Prof. Magnus Monn e dott.ssa Federica Giuzio

We show how phylogenetic analysis is useful for the initial screening of SARS-Cov-2 sequences to check for phylogenetic clusters.

Monitoraggio Ambiente Marino e Terrestre - Conservazione della Natura (MAGIAMARE - SIENA)

New deterrent devices to reduce interactions between sea turtles, dolphins and fisheries

Gianfranco Diretto

Determination of the chemical-qualitative characteristics of the Italian espresso and specialty coffees.

  J.S.14 (pav. J)

Cecilia Gramiccia, Elena Gramiccia

Gluten Free and Organic Jerusalem artichoke chips, with no preservatives or added sugar. Excellent as snacks and aperitifs

Elia Gasparolo

Connective tissue. Biotextile with Memory. Perfumes, textures and flavours today turned into skin. Fabric that connects and re-signifies the cycles.

Marco Ferrantini e Erdit Hallulli

Foglia is a project born in occasion of the Maker Faire Rome - The European Edition 2017. The first version was a small Ikea greenhouse with a whole set of sensors and probes installed using 3D printed supports and adapters. (Learn more about the IKEA KRYDDA). The development platform is RaspberryPi.

Makers ITIS Forl

IoT beehive that record temperature, weight and humidity with Arduino and send data to ThingSpeak with GPRS module

  J.S.23 (pav. J)

Costantina De Mitri, Luca Di Massimo

We will perform some chemistry and biology experiments, useful to improve science teaching at school.

  J.1.28 (pav. J)

I.T. "L. Di Maggio", San Giovanni Rotondo (FG) - Vittorio Lo Mele, Alessio Cusenza, Pio Carriera.

The student wearing the device is able to record their brain activity during a learning session.

Innocenzo Muzzalupo, Giovanni Misasi, Giuseppe Chiappetta e Cristian Altimari

M-Bioma s.r.l., a spin off supported by CREA, produces technologically advanced unique biological fertilizers based on useful microorganisms.

  J.S.08 (pav. J)

Matteo Carbone, Simone Giacomini 4 CA, ITI OMAR NOVARA

We have been designed and developed an antiviral facemask which uses nanotechnology to stop viruses including COVID-19.


Giacomo Bornino, Marco Chierici, Venet Osmani, Antonio Colangelo, Giuseppe Jurman

We exploit AI for early detection of complications in diabetic patients aiming at improving diabetics' health and treatment

  B.26 (pav. B)


Discover the relations between the actors of oxidative-stress related system and the dietary and lifestyle habits that affect its equilibrium

  D.18 (pav. D)

Annalisa Di Bernardino, Valeria Jennings, Giacomo Dell'Omo, Enrico Cadau, Marco Cacciani

Development of low-cost microsensors for real-time meteorological and air quality monitoring.

Laboratorio Biotecnologie, ENEA

Plant Molecular Farming, a biotechnology platform that uses the biosynthetic machinery of plant cells for the production of biopharmaceuticals.

  J.S.22 (pav. J)

Arijit Das

Under $100 and less than 1mW Pneumonia Detection solution for everyone using State-of-the-art Artificial Intelligence.

Gianfranco Romanazzi (project Coordinator), Antonio Ippolito (RU leader UNIBA), Davide Spadaro (RU leader UNITO)

StopMedWaste reduces loss and waste of fresh fruit, vegetables and aromatic plants by physical means, natural substances and biocontrol agents

Prof. Vincenzo Lippiello, Laboratorio di robotica PRISMA Lab dell'Universit Federico II di Napoli

The PON-PlaCE project aims to test new technologies for the monitoring and eco-sustainable reuse of disused offshore platforms

  B.07 (pav. B)

Gabriella Lima

The research focuses on the perception of the materials used for the design of the surfaces, made with biomaterial

  D.02 (pav. D)

Michele Lotta, Francesca Radovcic, Francesca Colosso, Juliana Moura De Oliveira, Riccardo Lucheschi, Caterina Cheber, Letizia Deriu.

Fishermen, institutions and private organizations united for the health and monitoring of our sea.


Metaproject of the urban area and the rainwater phyto-purification system for the resolution of hydrogeological instability and the creation of a natural park.

Antonio Burrai - Selenia Marinelli

The corrupted body : a journey into the future of human-machine interaction.

  K.03 (pav. K)

Lupi Paola e Luigi Merz

Within the context, and in partneship with, Lazio's Food Hub we design and produce new products for the farmers.


It is a telerehabilitation platform for the autonomous but asynchronous monitored rehabilitation, with exergames controlled by worned sensors. u-do.it

Manuel Favaron, Riccardo Sassetti, Vittorio Stefanini, Simone Franceschetti, Mario Villano, Gabriele Pollastrini, Francesco D'Urso

WeCare aims at providing a sustainable, ride-by-ride sanitization for vehicles in a fast, automated and eco-friendly way. The validation allows expanding our scope to higher volumes as well.

  J.05 (pav. J)
Data updated on 2025-02-18 - 4.38.47 pm