Exhibitors 2021

Result for TAG "Art"

Alessandro Giacomel di Officine Robotiche

An autonomous painter robot that creates watercolor paintings made at home with easily available or 3D printed material

  E.16 (pav. E)

Stephanie Dinkins

WhenWordsFail is a WebXR experience that creates space for the nonverbal expression of feelings bubbling just below the surface.



Large 3D prints. Materials and technologies that can lead to 1: 1 scale replicas for cinema and manufacturing.

  E.07 (pav. E)

Alessandra Di Giacomo

The proposed project involves visitors in the creation of a multifunctional promotional gadget

  D.05 (pav. D)

Hiba Ali

A conversation with Amazons customer-obsessed mascot, Peccy about working-class labour, surveillance and bubbles.

  H.04 (pav. H)


Three automatic musicians - bassist, drummer, glockenspiel players - will play with other automatic musical instruments and one "human" musician.

  I.01 (pav. I)

Team DigiLAB Volta - I.I.S. Alessandro Volta Frosinone

The Android called 'Brother', with autonomous decision-making abilities and interaction with the outside world based on event recognition through the use of Artificial Intelligence techniques. Brother is able to recognize the Italian sign language LIS by translating it into audio and Braille.

Fabrizio D'Eramo

ART-HOUSE CANDLE: creation of handmade wax objects, realized with antique methods and new technological machineries

paperPino (Giuseppe Civitarese)

From a sheet of paper to a marvelous machine: the fabulous world of paper automata

  J.T.12 (pav. J)

Bill Balaskas & Stop LAPD Spying Coalition

An algorithm describes an areas predicted crime rate on its historical average rate of crimes combined with recent trends. Exposing crime data as a social construct intended to contain, control and criminalise Black, brown and poor communities.

  H.D (pav. H)

Helena Nikonole

In Bird Language, artificial intelligence looks for patterns in bird sound to build a Universal Grammar of Bird Language, a metaphor for communication between nature and technology in which a human being is not necessary.

  H.B (pav. H)

Inventor Felix Nate Boakye- founder of black brain robotics and mechanism project, supported by Javier costilla.

It is a scrap built, a handmade, it educates the audience and the Project will be attractive to the audience due to how it functions.

  K.07 (pav. K)

Daniele Leandri, Giuseppe Torino, Beppe Pennesi

Braccione (Big arm) is a mechanical arm 2 meters long. It is made with some servos and with the extensive use of used materials. Braccione imitates your movements when you draw on its control graphics tablet.

  K.06 (pav. K)

Paolo Cirio

A series of photos composed of French police officers faces processed with Facial Recognition software commenting on the potential uses and misuses of Facial Recognition and AI by questioning the asymmetry of power at play.

  H.15 (pav. H)

Anna Ridler

Circadian Bloom is a screen-based visual clock that tells the time through flowers, inviting us to explore other, non-human ways of understanding time.

  H.12 (pav. H)

Michela Ceracchi

The prototype to explore the illusionary perspective space: chose your combination, take a photo of the result! Which one is better?

  D.04 (pav. D)

Elia Gasparolo

Connective tissue. Biotextile with Memory. Perfumes, textures and flavours today turned into skin. Fabric that connects and re-signifies the cycles.

Kyriaki Goni

An imaginary encounter between astronomer Johann Friedrich Julius Schmidt (1825-1884) and neural network DeepMoon, both of which set out to count lunar craters.

  H.07 (pav. H)

DHLab Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici - Roma Tre

How can ICT empower Humanities? One question, different answers for Archaeology, Geography, Italian Literature, Paleography, History, Art History and Philology.

Sandra Chistolini, Sara Navarro Lalanda

The project invests in knowledge, creates multimedia educational products, gives opportunities to learn about the use of digital technology.

Alessandro Giann

Due to the Image is a painting made by Alessandro Giann in collaboration with an AI called Vasari (from Giorgio Vasari, 1511-1574).

  H.02 (pav. H)

Entangled Others (Sofia Crespo x Feileacan McCormick)

Fantastic aquatic creatures generated by machine learning, hinting at the seemingly endless biodiversity of the natural world.

  H.14 (pav. H)

Jellyfish Fab. by Lucas Zeer, Cristina Coronado Osornio and Yue Liu

A tiny alien goo that loves to dance and play, controlled by lights and electromagnets and powered by USB.

Freie Maker e.V.

Freie Maker e.V. wants to let people get access to technologies, through DIY, OpenSource and learning by doing.

  E.13 (pav. E)

VILLAM (Anita Cal) e ARSHAKE (Elena Giulia Rossi)

It starts from the ground up, metaphorically but also materially. The project becomes the theatre for a transdisciplinary operation moving between the most radical agricultural practices and the most advanced technologies.

FabLab Poliba in collaborazione con MArTA

Fablab and museum experience for a haptical awareness of cultural heritage

Luciano Teresi

Interact with mathematics and create art: challenge yourself with IMAGINARY!

  C.04 (pav. C)

Nye Thompson

A digitally-reconstructed tour of the waters just off the British coastline created using Google Earth, INSULAE contemplates the impact of island geography on national identity and the artificiality of historical narratives.

  H.06 (pav. H)

Proskurina Iryna

Welcome to the Steampunk world Iren Fox! All items are made from watch movements and treated with jewelry epoxy resin.

Pierluigi Zerbini

A transparent sphere that changes its color in relation to the movement it makes in 3D space.

  J.1.13 (pav. J)

Memo Akten

An artificial neural network looks out onto the world, and tries to make sense of what it is seeing. But it can only see through the filter of what it already knows. Just like us.

  H.10 (pav. H)

Pierfrancesco Panunzi

Now you can do incredible magical effects with little expense and lots of inventiveness using only Arduino and App Inventor (Android).

  J.2.05 (pav. J)

Alvaro Passeri

The mini Jungle Band is a mini orchestra of four elements: The fox plays the Mandolin The turtle plays the Xilophane The squirrel plays the flute The cobra plays the Harmonica

The robot animals play with the musical score in MIDI format.

  I.05 (pav. I)

Riccardo Tesorini

This sound installation arises from the need to reflect the emotional disconnection we experience today due to the health emergency.

Mushon Zer-Aviv

Normalizi.ng is an experimental work exploring how machines come to define normal. What dangerous biases might machines inherit from us, its teachers?

  H.03 (pav. H)

Daniele Puppi

The work represents an electromagnetic storm towards the end of summer. The landscape, charged with mystery, emanates ambiguous and immeasurable forces.

  H.C (pav. H)

Stefano Purchiaroni

The clock adopts an ultra-precision RTC (< 1 mn / year) and does not use the multiplexing technique, with an optimal lightning without compromises.

  F.07 (pav. F)

Daniele Leandri, Giuseppe Torino, Beppe Pennesi

Pianoforte Destrutturato is a futuristic assemblage of indipendent keys (keys-in-freedom). Each key produces a sound that can be played and programmed independently.

  K.06 (pav. K)

Giovanni di Dio Bruno

PoopBot is a robot that fuses technology, kawaii and fun for all!

Davide Petenzi

Some cool projects with arduino and 3d prints, a neopixel old clock, led matrix frames and fpv drones!!

  F.02 (pav. F)

Numero Cromatico

An artwork that explores the possibility of a sustainable future and the coexistence between the natural and the artificial world.

  H.13 (pav. H)

Marco Bozzola

We bring professionally-engineered, upgradeable lighting hardware together with Open Source firmware and 3D-printable expansion kits. 100% Makers-friendly!

Collettivo di artisti Riscarti

Riscarti is a multidisciplinary artistic "container" for making waste materials useful goods, works of art and design: ethics and aesthetics of recycling to promote sustainable lifestyles.

Emilio Vavarella

The Other Shapes of Me is the result of my research into the origin and current applications of binary technology

  H.09 (pav. H)

Amleto Picerno Ceraso

The Advanced design for Architecture and Craft Specialization School trains young professionals able to combine tradition and innovation.

Fulvio Flamini, Lea M. Trenkwalder and Hendrik Poulsen Nautrup

Seeker Chronicles is the first and only card game based on real science and technology.


Mario Baioli, Leonardo Notaro, Tommaso Hohenegger, Beatrice Angelini

Shapes born in the students' mind conquer theri tridimensionality in the wood and once joined form a single design pattern.

  D.05 (pav. D)

Eben Burgoon

Watch, learn, and add your own art to a socially-built sculpture of Rome made of masking tape and imagination!

Stephanie Hankey and Marek Tuszynski

Technologies of Hope is a curated collection of 100 data-driven, machine learning and AI enabled technologies around the world: developed, marketed and implemented to mitigate the pandemic and to help societies get back to normal.

Data updated on 2025-02-19 - 3.58.36 am