Exhibitors 2021

Result for TAG "Fabrication"

Michelangelo Maugeri - IT Archimede di Catania

The project allows you to recycle polymeric materials, saves on the cost of reels, producing the filament for 3D printers.


Large 3D prints. Materials and technologies that can lead to 1: 1 scale replicas for cinema and manufacturing.

  E.07 (pav. E)

Alessandra Di Giacomo

The proposed project involves visitors in the creation of a multifunctional promotional gadget

  D.05 (pav. D)

NABA, Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti

Selection of projects made by NABA Design Area students, along with vintage videogames made by high-school students within academic workshops.

  D.08 (pav. D)

Alma Mater Studiorum - Universit di Bologna

A space where knowledge blends, cultivating competences that help develop new entrepreneurial ideas: AlmaLabor is a Maker Space a prototyping laboratory for creating prototypes for your business idea, as well as a Co-working and training space.


My new toilet seat for the disabled was created to give life to an inclusive and innovative project, it does not exist on the market.

  J.1.02 (pav. J)

Francesca Fiore

ApeLab is a mobile FabLab, an itinerant experimental laboratory for social innovation at the service of the local community. All set up on an Ape Car..pink!

Matteo Salini, Elisa Minari, Giovanni Bellino, Emma Manghi, Laura Boscaini, Pietro Ravanetti, Michelangelo Lefante, Anna Ghiretti, Luca Bocedi, Maddalena Moretti, Francesco Rodighiero, Daniele Khalousi

Solutions for inclusive tourist facilities: one Welcome Kit, ten customizable objects for esthetically and functionally-ready-to-host-everyone rooms.


Count corrugated cardboard sheets in a pile to detect discrepancies according to what is printed in the processing card

  J.2.19 (pav. J)

Giovanni Colaneri, Mario Baioli

Winding machine for FDM filaments managing and trasfering

VAHA - Virtual Architecture Handicraft Art

VAHA presents the works of digital craft born within the "Bottega Virtuale". The projects arise from listening to the needs of end users and above all from the cooperation of more professionalism.

Fondazione Mondo Digitale

Machine intelligence, cloud, additive manufacturing, big data Digital Made is a modular programme that aims to accelerate digital transformation in the fashion sector with the contribution of young men and women.


Anti-glare safety device for motor vehicles. protects from the suns rays, from car headlights and the artificial lights

Classe 4A dell'indirizzo di Meccanica Meccatronica ed Energia dell'Istituto Mattei di Conselve (PD)

This is a hydraulic bench that automatically measures the thermal power handed over by heated water to the air.

Davide Rubino, Domenico Abbruzzese

The project shows the functioning of a 3D printer with infinite axis, focusing on programming and on the main elements that compose it.

Claudio Cagnazzi

The SOF'up kit allows you to lift and move armchairs, sofas, sofa beds, storage beds and more by controlling everything with your voice


3D printer concepts - made with recycled and upcycled materials, with many innovations

Responsabili: Ilaria Giannetti, Andrea Micheletti - Team: Alessia Bisconti, Gabriele Mattei, Alessia Terrezza

Lasercut origami structures is a multidisciplinary research and educational project dedicated to the 'file to factory' design of origami structures.

  D.12 (pav. D)

Perotto Davide, Serra Enrico e Matteo Burzio della 4A Sc, Liceo A. Monti di Chieri (TO)

Our project is a home-made 3D printer designed to be as professional and sustainable as possible.

Making Open, Istituto M. Massimo: Becchetti, De Gregorio, Poletto, Topani

From a simple wooden table Build and drive a professional electric kart with your team in the Formula Xavier Grand Prix

Massimo Squillante, Vincenza Esposito, Gerarda Fattoruso

The aim of the project is to build a methodological prototype suitable to manage the quality control of production processes and organizational structure of production processes

Fab Lab L'Aquila ETS

Feed both your feathered friends and your mind with this smart, connected and friendly bird feeder.


PolyShaper: the best CNC desktop foam cutting machines

  E.04 (pav. E)

Gabriella Lima

The research focuses on the perception of the materials used for the design of the surfaces, made with biomaterial

  D.02 (pav. D)

Marco Bozzola

We bring professionally-engineered, upgradeable lighting hardware together with Open Source firmware and 3D-printable expansion kits. 100% Makers-friendly!

Gianluca Palli - Universit di Bologna

Come and discover the robotic solutions for the manipulation of deformable objects such as cables and hoses developed in REMODEL

  B.08 (pav. B)

Fab Lab Barcelona

Welcome to Fab Lab Barcelona, we use our digital fabrication facilities to prototype, fabricate and test these ideas in the real world as research, education and innovation.

  K.10 (pav. K)

Valerio Lomanno

Presentation of some rocket models and slides about team projects, including some renderings and blueprints of a hybrid engine and various rocket components

  D.07 (pav. D)

Amleto Picerno Ceraso

The Advanced design for Architecture and Craft Specialization School trains young professionals able to combine tradition and innovation.

Sara Costantini, Letizia Cruciani, Miriam Gabriele

Stone Paper: construction elements made with non-traditional materials for temporary and sustainable structures.

  D.02 (pav. D)

Anna Irene Del Monaco

The Studanteum project illustrates a number of typical university campus-dormitory projects

e-Nable Italia - Piera Losciale

"SwimAble" is an upper limb device for children who approaches sports in the water

  J.1.03 (pav. J)

The Ant Team

We propose a set of open projects dedicated to the manufacturing of diy electronics prototypes: our little "The Ant" CNC and our last top secret project!

Antonio Burrai - Selenia Marinelli

The corrupted body : a journey into the future of human-machine interaction.

  K.03 (pav. K)

Lupi Paola e Luigi Merz

Within the context, and in partneship with, Lazio's Food Hub we design and produce new products for the farmers.

Stefano Converso

Architects and Designers to Hybridize waste sites and Fab Labs to build "design upcycling centers". The main concept is: Bring Your Waste, get your furniture!


My new toilet for the disabled was developed to give life to an inclusive and innovative project, it does not exist on the market.

  J.1.02 (pav. J)


The Yeastime team offers devices that optimize the fermentation process by reducing time, costs and environmental impact.

Data updated on 2025-02-08 - 9.07.59 pm