Exhibitors 2021

DiaPro 4.0: Diagnostic | Prognostic for Industry 4.0

DiaPro 4.0: Diagnostic | Prognostic for Industry 4.0

DIAPRO 4.0 aims to develop a demonstrator of a Diagnostic-Prognostic multisensor system (DiaPro 4.0), integrated in mechanical drives. The system must guarantee high diagnostic reliability for failures in rotors, gears, bearings and electric motors, high prognostic accuracy and competitive price. A two-level prognostic procedure will be developed to evaluate residual life. DiaPro 4.0 involves 3 laboratories (Mechlav-Unife, InterMech-Unimore, Raw Power) and 2 companies (Bonfiglioli S.p.A, Marposs). It is co-financed by POR FESR Emilia-Romagna 2014-2020 and Fondo per lo Sviluppo e la Coesione.

DiaPro 4.0: Diagnostic | Prognostic for Industry 4.0

Prof. Giorgio Dalpiaz

Full professor of Mechanics of Machines and Vibrations at the University of Ferrara. Scientific Director of the Advanced Mechanics Laboratory (MechLav) of Ferrara Technopole. Author or co-author of over 140 papers. Coordinator of many research contracts with industrial companies, concerning industrial research and technological transfer in the fields of NVH, optimization of the dynamic and vibration behavior, monitoring and diagnostics of machines through vibration processing. Member of the Editorial Board of the International Journals Meccanica and Shock & Vibration.

Data updated on 2025-01-26 - 12.18.52 pm