Exhibitors 2021

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Lo spaziotempo fai da te - scopriamo la Relativitŕ Generale di Einstein

Lo spaziotempo fai da te - scopriamo la Relativitŕ Generale di Einstein

What is gravity? How do planets, stars and galaxies move in the Universe? What do Einstein describe with his Theory of Relativity? Let’s find it out together thanks to a cheap and easy to build do-it-yourself structure and a detailed guide. In this way you will discover that masses can deform spacetime, bend light, and also create black holes and gravitational waves.

Lo spaziotempo fai da te - scopriamo la Relativitŕ Generale di Einstein

Adriana Postiglione, Ilaria De Angelis

Adriana Postiglione, astrophysicists. After her master thesis in Physics on the phenomenon of gravitational lensing, she earned the PhD in Physics, and in the meantime she discovered the beauty and the importance of communicating science to a public of non-experts. After the PhD, this passion became her job: she now collaborates with the Education and Public Outreach Group of the Department of Mathematics and Physics of Roma Tre University, and she is always looking for new ways and tools to talk about science with general public and students.
Ilaria De Angelis, astrophysicists. After her PhD in Physics on supermassive blackholes, she dedicated herself to education and communication of physics, which is her real passion. Currently she organizes open events for the public, teachers refresher courses, activities and laboratories for primary and secondary schools. She is also the coordinator of the Education and Public Outreach Group of the Department of Mathematics and Physics of Roma Tre University.

  C.04 (pav. C)
Data updated on 2024-09-14 - 3.36.43 pm
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