Exhibitors 2021

Visual And Multimodal Applied Learning for Robots and Intelligent Systems

Visual And Multimodal Applied Learning for Robots and Intelligent Systems

A long-standing goal of artificial intelligence and robotics is the implementation of agents able to interact in the real world. To achieve this goal, a crucial step is to make the agent capable of understanding the current state of the surrounding environment. Within this context, visual cameras are one of the most powerful and information-rich sensors, thus a lot of research efforts have been spent on improving robot vision systems. Due to their effectiveness in addressing visual problems, deep neural networks have been used so far in many robotic tasks such as, but not limited to, ego-motion estimation, depth prediction, object grasping, and semantic segmentation.
In this project, we will demonstrate state-of-the-art methodologies that the Politecnico di Torino is currently exploring to develop the body of theoretical knowledge and algorithms necessary for robots – and intelligent systems in general – to learn autonomously about objects in an open-ended manner.

Visual And Multimodal Applied Learning for Robots and Intelligent Systems

Barbara Caputo

Barbara Caputo is Full Professor at Politecnico of Torino, where she leads the VANDAL Laboratory, acts as Rector’s Advisor on Artificial Intelligence and directs the Hub AI@PoliTo, the Interdepartmental Laboratory of Excellence on AI, Learning and Intelligent Systems of Politecnico di Torino.
She received her PhD in computer science from KTH, Stockholm in 2005. From 2007 to 2013 she was Senior Researcher at Idiap-EPFL; she then moved to Sapienza Rome University as MIUR Associate Professor (Chiamata Diretta), and joined Politecnico di Torino in 2018.
Since 2017 she has been regularly contributing to National AI policy documents: she is one of the 30 experts of the AgID task force on Artificial Intelligence, and one of the 30 MISE experts who wrote the Italian Strategy on AI. Since 2018 she has been part of the steering committee that has been designing and implementing the Italian National PhD on Artificial Intelligence, acting as coordinator of the vertical dedicated to AI & Industry 4.0, promoted by MUR and CNR.

She is an ERC Laureate and an ELLIS Fellow; since 2019 she serves on the ELLIS board and she is one of the eight co-founders of the ELLIS society. She is a member of the Steering Committee and of the Industrial Advisory Board of the ICT48 project ELISE and regularly participates to EC Policy events on AI. Since 2021 she is part of the Scientific Committee of Egea Bocconi University Press.

Since 2016 she is one of the 100 esperte for Italy and in 2018 she has been nominated one of the Inspiring Fifty Italy. In 2020 she appeared on Topolino magazine with her alter-ego Barb Quackut.

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Data updated on 2024-07-16 - 9.57.50 am