Exhibitors 2023

ANCE (Associazione Nazionale Costruttori Edili) - DIHCUBE

ANCE (Associazione Nazionale Costruttori Edili) - DIHCUBE

DIHCUBE brings together the key players in digitization, and innovation in general, for construction and the built environment in Italy in a single hub and brings together, for the first time in years, the best national expertise in the sector. The hub is composed of 12 partners:

  • 2 trade associations (including the lead partner, ANCE) representing the construction industry and its supply chain;

  • 6 among universities, research organizations and technology transfer bodies;

  • 1 Public Administration;

  • 3 among commercial and nonprofit market players.

DIHCUBE brings together partners that already offer a wide range of services to businesses and P.A., services that thanks to this initiative, will be greatly increased and systematized, with flexibility and adaptability. DIHCUBE will in fact act as a single point of entry for businesses and P.A. in order to identify needs and define the most suitable path of services, drawing on the hub's portfolio of expertise. The catchment area is national, with strong territorial roots through an organization structured in 3 macro-areas of intervention (North, Center and South), and a widespread coverage of the territory by means, in particular, of ANCE's territorial network.

DIHCUBE will also rely on an existing European network that will connect the Italian hub with seven other candidate construction hubs in Europe (Belgium, Bulgaria, Finland, Spain, Germany, Poland and Portugal) and collaborate with other European SME support networks such as the European Enterprise Network.

Over the past three years, DIHCUBE partners have already been engaged in nearly 60 digital innovation projects at regional, national, European and international levels, and in particular in more than 30 projects funded under Horizon 2020 or with European structural funds.

  A2 (pav. 4A.02)
Data updated on 2024-07-16 - 6.35.54 am