Exhibitors 2023

Result for TAG "Drones"

IIS Palmieri Rampone Polo

Innovativo programma didattico che comprende un insieme di attività progettuali finalizzate all’invio di palloni sonda e relativi payload nella Stratosfera.

- Nikhil Deshpande - Jesus Ortiz - Carlo Canali

Advanced Technologies for Fall Mitigation and VR-based Interactive Training for Workers Working at Heights

  E12 (pav. 5E.12)

My Frame FPV

Apache is a drone designed to shoot dynamic video footage of the highest quality.

  C17 (pav. 5C.17)

Flying Demon s.r.l.

Innovative startup and university spinoff founded by young researchers for environmental monitoring via drones for radiometric measurements of the territory.

  L16 (pav. 3L.16)

Maccagni Giacomo, Federico Minutoli

We will start with an overview of the Machine Learning models covered within Reply R&D. We will then move on to a focus on a robotic agent such as SPOT by Boston Dynamics. From here we will have the basis to move on to an implementation of Embodied AI Agents controlled completely with voice in natural language.

Alunni della classe 3C del Liceo Scientifico Alessandro Volta di Foggia

The project intends to recycle old toys making them robotic through microcontrollers that allow them to be reused in a fun and creative way.

Il Frastuca Team composto da: Mattia Azzarello, Andrea Guarnera, Salvatore Papotto e Maurizio Parasiliti.

Particular electronic tank that can be adapted to any drone which allows for the artificial pollination of plants at 360°.

Denis Oliviero, Giuseppe Pirillo, Gaetano Carlino, Salvatore Sgariglia, Antonio Amato

RoboButts is a mobile robot equipped with a robotic arm with the purpose of collecting cigarette butts.

Sapienza Flight Team

The project brings together a group of students from various Sapienza departments to realize UAVs for internationals universities Competitions.

Ceo Hydrohunter Daniela Tamburrino; Direttore Operazioni Volo Vincenzo Orso

Our technological system uses electromagnetic waves to identify water reserves underground. Ensuring reliability and precision in results, To contribute to the responsible management of water resources.

  I2 (pav. 4I.02)


A robot with artificial intelligence capable of monitoring and acting on the malfunction and structure of the wind turbine blade.

Fondazione ITS BACT - Studenti corso “Tecnico Superiore per la Conduzione del Cantiere di Restauro Architettonico”

Human – Machine Collaboration - Industry 5.0, Hi-Tech modular system composed of glove, drone, microscope and APP enhanced with IoT devices and ML Artificial Intelligence to identify the type of degradation and material in the Restoration of Cultural Heritage.

Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale DII, Università di Trento

New class of sustainable robotic technologies: mobile, flexible, collaborative, wearable with sustainable and multifunctional materials to reduce the environmental impact.

Franco M. Battagello, Michela Mascia, Ivano Basile, Marco Granati, Federica Saponaro, Fulvio Petti.

Multi-channel integrated solution of A.I. digital models to manage criticalities and climate change challenges. The current focus is on Agritech: viticulture.

Massimiliana Carello and the Politecnico di Torino Teams

The Politecnico di Torino presents the most important students Teams involved in sustainability, ecological aspect, low consumption, mobility, recycle, reducing environmental impact and promoting circular economy.

IIS Marconi Galletti Einaudi Domodossola 4INFA

Water Sampling Drone is an automatic surface water sampling system based on the STM32 microcontroller.

Data updated on 2025-02-18 - 3.49.25 am