Tag: makers
November 12, 2020
Maker Faire Rome will be totally digital! A unique platform to live the Maker Faire Rome experience 100% online! Discover it now and keep up with us: subscribe to our newsletter.Maker Faire Rome 2020 Make your (digital) Fai...
August 17, 2020
MAKE YOUR OWN VACUUM CLEANER FROM SCRATCH Vacuum cleaners are expensive, and are not that complicated. Find out here how you can make one out of a plastic bottle! […]How to Make a Vacuum Cleaner From a Plastic B...
August 5, 2020
submit by october 15, get a chance to join maker faire Rome 2020 In this rather unsual year, we are gearing up for an edition of Maker Faire Rome […]MAKER FAIRE CALLING: THE CALL FOR MAKERS IS O...
July 25, 2020
Makers European Commission is Calling for a in-residence programme. Submit by the 31st of july! Makers, European Commission is calling for you! Deadline is the 31st of July! Do not […]Makers European Commission is calling by 31st...
July 13, 2020
Biggest ever ocean clean-up recovers over 100 tons of plastic trash And fishing netsBiggest open ocean clean-up ever!
July 2, 2020
The online opening of (S+T)*ARTS, the innovative project that remove boundaries between art and technologies, is scheduled on July 2nd!ICT and Art – the (S+T)*ARTS initiative...
June 21, 2020
These 7 concept cars are some of the weirdest looking vehicles you’re ever likely to see Concept cars have traditionally pushed the boundaries of car design, but there are […]Bizarre Concept Cars You Never Even Knew Exis...
June 7, 2020
Z- Triton, the innovative electrical tiny home developed to travel over land or water!Z-Triton, an amphibious tiny home
May 8, 2020
Dyson has created 44 engineering and science activities for children to try out while at home From making a balloon-powered car to building a bridge from spaghetti, you can […]44 engineering challenges for children during...
April 16, 2020
Manomano, the French startup that looks to hammer a role in Europe as a "Amazon DIY Platform"MANOMANO, THE STARTUP THAT’S STEALING M...