Exhibitors 2021

Pigeon-borne biologgers for air quality monitoring

Pigeon-borne biologgers for air quality monitoring

We developed a miniaturized GPS device integrating calibrated atmospheric sensors measuring CO2, air pressure, temperature, and humidity at high spatial and temporal resolution (0.5 Hz). Sensors are installed on the back of homing pigeons and weigh approximately 3% of a pigeon’s body. On their homing routes, birds fly just above buildings, urban parks, heavily trafficked roads, and agricultural areas mostly within 50 meters of height, accurately characterizing the atmospheric boundary layer.

Pigeon-borne biologgers for air quality monitoring

Annalisa Di Bernardino, Valeria Jennings, Giacomo Dell'Omo, Enrico Cadau, Marco Cacciani

Annalisa Di Bernardino is a researcher at the Department of Physics of Sapienza University of Rome. She obtained her PhD in Hydraulics and Environmental Engineering in 2016. Her research topics are: boundary layer meteorology, atmospheric remote sensing, urban air quality, laboratory modelling of urban canopies and dispersion models.

Data updated on 2024-05-13 - 11.24.21 am