Exhibitors 2021

Controllore per generatori di Ozono

Controllore per generatori di Ozono

The proposed device is based on an Arduino Mega connected to a sensor that measures the concentration of O3

Controllore per generatori di Ozono

Renato Paciorri

Renato Paciorri was born on 29 January 1965. He graduated cum laude as aeronautic engineer in 1991 from the University of Rome "La Sapienza". At the beginning of 1995 he obtained the PhD degree in aerospace engineering. As CNR research fellow, he worked at VKI for 6 months (1995-1996). At the end of 1996 he joined the Dept. of Mechanics and Aeronautics of University of Rome as scientist researcher. In 2005 he was appointed associate professor. At present, he teaches Hypersonics and Laboratory of computing aerodynamics in the Engeneering Faculty of the University of Rome “La Sapienza”.

Data updated on 2024-05-13 - 11.24.21 am