Exhibitors 2021

BIOMETRIC RIGHT DATA TREATMENT - BRDT di interferentia srl https://www.interferentia.eu - Referee UNICA Prof. Gian Luca Marcialis with Giulia Orrů, Marco Micheletto ed Andrea Panzino

BIOMETRIC RIGHT DATA TREATMENT - BRDT di interferentia srl https://www.interferentia.eu - Referee UNICA Prof. Gian Luca Marcialis with Giulia Orrů, Marco Micheletto ed Andrea Panzino

Biometric Right Data Treatment - BRDT is an innovative solution for having full management of digital informations sharing between a community of individuals registered with their biometrics data in compliance with General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) EU 2016/679

BRDT concern specifics advanced biometric libreries developed with methods and artificial intelligence technics enpowered by Biometric Engineering Department of UNICA - "Universitŕ degli Studi di Cagliari" directed by Prof. Gian Luca Marcialis

BRDT will be delivered for commercial market also with different naming and logo in “white label”, from partner certified by interferentia srl in order to manage software licences compliance with General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) EU 2016/679, CWE, SANS Top 25 e OWASP Top 10

BIOMETRIC RIGHT DATA TREATMENT - BRDT di interferentia srl https://www.interferentia.eu - Referee UNICA Prof. Gian Luca Marcialis with Giulia Orrů, Marco Micheletto ed Andrea Panzino

Michele Bianco (interferentia srl), Prof Gian Luca Marcialis, Ricercatori Giulia Orrů - Marco Micheletto - Andrea Panzino (UNICA)

GIAN LUCA MARCIALIS - https://pralab.diee.unica.it/en/GianLucaMarcialis
Associate Professor at UNICA (Universitŕ degli Studi di Cagliari)
Team leader of the PRA Lab's Biometric Unit.
The research activity of Prof. Gian Luca Marcialis is focused on the theme “Biometrics for information security”. In particular, his research interests are related to fingerprint classification and verification and to face recognition and verification, with emphasis on multi-modal matchers fusion and semi-supervised recognition.
During his research activity, Dr. Marcialis has co-authored papers in collaboration with leading figures of the statistical pattern recognition community. For further information, see the publication section.
He is also “team “team leader” in several international and national projects (MAVEN, FP7 Tabula Rasa, “Biometric guards” funded by Italian Ministry of Research and Education, “Adaptive biometric systems” funded by Regione Autonoma della Sardegna) and co-founder and organizer of the “International Fingerprint Liveness Detection Competition” (see in particular the last one, LivDet2015).
He has co-worked with the Scientific Investigation Office of Arma dei Carabinieri on the topic “algorithms for the analysis of fingerprint images and liveness detection”. The main result of this cooperation is a software tool described in the book “Handbook of Research on Computational Forensics, Digital Crime and Investigation: Methods and Solutions”, IGI Press, 2010.
GIULIA ORRU' MARCO MICHELETTO ANDREA PANZINO - Universitary researcher of Biometric Department of UNICA

Michele Bianco - Managing Director & Senior CyberSecurity Advisor at interferentia : https://www.interferentia.eu - http://it.linkedin.com/in/michelebianco
Michele over 30 years experience in Telecommunications, ICT, Information Security, Data Privacy; started working in 1985 Thomson Group R&D (HDTV), then in SIP (Italian incumbent operator); active in CCITT and ETSI standard groups NA5-BroadBand Networks MAN, SMDS, ATM, he partecipated to all Broadband Pilots and Projects for Public Broadband Italian Networks and dedicated Main Italian Top Customers. Michele designed and developed Intranet of Telecom Italia Group (over 135.000 employees), organized and directed 1th Internet Security Office of Main Italian Internet Service Provider (TIN.IT-VIRGILIO within over 5M users) as a CISO of Telecom Italia. Michele had a leading role in conceiving and launching successfull Innovative Security Services ISO 27001 as Security Operating Centers. 2003-2007 engaged by Bull Group as Security Competence Center Director, by GFI Informatique as Chief Security Officer launching ISO 15408 Evaluations Labs for Security Certifications (LVS) accreditated by OCSI and ANS (National Security Authority).
2008-2012 engaged by Accenture as Health & Public Market Security Lead to develop Business Security Projects.
2012 engaged by RESI Spa as Managing Director of Domestic Alliances and Top Customer Business for Telecom Italia, Poste Italiane, Enel, Wind and others.
2014 engaged by Innovery Spa as Business Development CyberSecurity Executive Michele ideate and design MUDT-Mobile User Data Treatment (www.Cellebrite.com) for Mobile Operators, Big Data (OSINT) Data Scientist Services with a Start-up http://www.deepview.it , First Digital Forensics Services , UE Project in Horizon2020, PISDAS http://pisdas.net and InCloSec (Innovery Cloud Security) in Regione Autonoma Sardegna. Here Michele collaborated to develop partnerships also regarding possibility for Innovery of Mergings and/or Acquisitions :)
Actually Michele is involved in the start-up of interferentia , an innovative data driven Company
LICENCES ISACA CGEIT ? Certified in the Governance of Enterprise IT, Licence 0903166
ISACA CRISC ? Certified in Risk and Information Systems Control, Licence 1108657
ITIL v3 Foundation BSI, Licence 00025923?01?5UKV
Lead Auditor ISO 27001 BSI?DNV, Licence IT/ISM0802008008

Data updated on 2025-02-18 - 8.04.34 pm