Exhibitors 2023

Heart Rate Variability e Harmonicity

Heart Rate Variability e Harmonicity

HaRmonicV Control & Consulting, Heart Rate Variability and Harmonicity aims to revolutionize the field of personalized physical training programs and advanced systems for the analysis of fitness and sports performance. The key patented idea lies in the use of the online measurement of Heart Rate Variability under stress in cycle-ergometer and treadmill exercises for the development of a unique and innovative virtual coaching tracker dedicated to athletes, healthy subjects or those suffering from chronic disorders as an aid for their rehabilitation program.

Heart Rate Variability e Harmonicity

HaRmonicV Control & Consulting - Università degli Studi di Rome Tor Vergata

HarmonicV Control & Consulting is composed of two internationally renowned Team Leaders and co-founders: C.M. Verrelli, Associate Professor at the University of Rome Tor Vergata] and M. Volterrani, Head of Department “Unità cardiaco/polmonare” at IRCCS San Raffaele Pisana. The group also includes six Team Members: F. Infarinato, M. Goffredo, N. Colistra, M. El Arayshi, S. Baiocco and C. Romagnoli.

Data updated on 2024-12-07 - 7.00.04 pm