Exhibitors 2023

Architettura di controllo real-time per manipolatori in Tokamak

Architettura di controllo real-time per manipolatori in Tokamak

For the tokamak under construction at the ENEA center in Frascati we have developed a real-time control architecture based on STM32 microcontroller able to serve the manipulator motors, and manage the signals of the sensors, ensuring resistance to radiation and algorithms for estimating the amount of wear of electronic components. The system provides for the connection of several STM32F4 boards capable of real-time axis control using an advanced system of planning and determination of the desired joint variables.

Architettura di controllo real-time per manipolatori in Tokamak

Gruppo di Ricerca in Automazione e Controllo - Università di Roma Tor Vergata

The Research Group in Automation and Control is coordinated by Prof. Daniele Carnevale of the Department of Civil Engineering and Computer Engineering. Giorgio Manca, Roberto Masocco, Regine Mario, Emanuele Gerardi, Alexandru Cretu, Valerio Auriemma, Gianmatteo Gabrielli, Andrea Reale, Marco Ottavi and Cesati Marco also participated in the project. The group unites staff of the University of Tor Vergata, students and staff of the ENEA Research Center.

Data updated on 2025-01-25 - 11.51.15 pm