Exhibitors 2023

Riscarti festival di Riciclo Artistico

Riscarti festival di Riciclo Artistico

The waste from the wine becomes unique handcrafted pieces.
Riscarti is Rome's artistic recycling festival, whose mission is to put into practice good practices aimed at raising awareness of the environment, as an artistic and social experience.The "zero waste" culture, through the regeneration and recycling of materials, gives new life to waste. Riscarti is an upcycling festival in Rome, the mission is generate good practices in favor of the environment, as an artistic and social experience. RiscArti uses the language of art to talk about social issues, peace and inclusion: art helps us to express ourselves, to reinvent, to transform waste into beauty. The materials, which are removed from the waste cycle, are reinserted into an art work and design. The aesthetics of waste to build a cultural change

Riscarti festival di Riciclo Artistico


With Riscarti, the objects symbol of our consumer time, decontextualized or reassembled, take on new meanings and aesthetics, to encourage a conscious culture of sustainability. The vision of artworks and images becomes the starting point for a reflection on green issues.

Data updated on 2025-02-19 - 6.25.57 pm