Exhibitors 2023

CampuStore s.r.l.

CampuStore s.r.l.

CampuStore is a benefit company and an Italian family business, leader in the education market, which has been creating innovative educational projects for schools, teachers and other players in the educational sector for 30 years. Always active on Consip / MePA, it manages the largest e-commerce dedicated to schools present in Italy today. Since its foundation, it has been developing innovative projects for learning environments, complete and designed for schools of different levels and levels, "turnkey" ideas, which include furniture, technologies, STEM and other educational tools and even training courses. High quality 'hands-on' for teachers, school managers and school staff. The courses are provided by CampuStore Academy, a training body recognized by the Ministry, which also offers many free services to support the educational community. CampuStore was the first company to bring STEM and educational robotics to Italy, and today has the largest catalog of educational robotics and STEAM in Europe. Over time it has disseminated articles that have changed the way of teaching, such as IWBs, interactive monitors and unique and characterizing furnishings and is in particular associated with educational robotics, edtech, STEAM and digital innovation. With a continuously updated general catalog and catalogs dedicated to various subjects often released based on ministerial news, CampuStore today appears as the point of reference for purchases by schools in relation to the PNRR, PNSD and PON FSE and FESR funds.

Data updated on 2024-05-13 - 11.24.21 am