Exhibitors 2021

Result for TAG "Wellness & Healthcare"

Riccio Giulio Giuseppe.

The shower chair that makes even inaccessible showers, accessible.

  J.1.10 (pav. J)


Technological innovation does not always mean inventing new technologies, but also making the best use of technologies that already exist and that people know, like home TV. Turning the TV into a "advanced smartphone" with SICURPHONE allows you to provide tele-assistance to the elderly in their home.

  J.1.12 (pav. J)

Alessandro Tognetti, Lucia Arcarisi, Nicola Carbonaro

We develop innovative textile sensors with high wearability and custom design to make wearable devices more common in everyday life.

  J.1.14 (pav. J)

Prof. Salvatore Rampone and Gruppo di Metodi COmputazionali e Modellistica - GiMCOM Soft Computing Lab

SVIMAC-19 is a cloud system based on machine learning, statistics, soft_computing and visual interfaces to forecast and monitoring Covid-19 in the Campania Region

e-Nable Italia - Piera Losciale

"SwimAble" is an upper limb device for children who approaches sports in the water

  J.1.03 (pav. J)

Michele Tavolacci

feel free to explore remote place with an Actionoiseboard kit and a simple videocall. Muoviti da remoto con una semplice videochiamata.

Lupi Paola e Luigi Merz

Within the context, and in partneship with, Lazio's Food Hub we design and produce new products for the farmers.

Gianluca Sesenna DI U&O Technologies

U&O Technologies PER MAKE TO CARE U&O Technologies è una startup innovativa MedTech che progetta e sviluppa esoscheletri medicali.



My new toilet for the disabled was developed to give life to an inclusive and innovative project, it does not exist on the market.

  J.1.02 (pav. J)

Arianna Arienzo

VoiceMed identifies diseases at an early stage and monitors the health status remotely by combining Artificial Intelligence with sound recording.

  J.1.11 (pav. J)

Manuel Favaron, Riccardo Sassetti, Vittorio Stefanini, Simone Franceschetti, Mario Villano, Gabriele Pollastrini, Francesco D'Urso

WeCare aims at providing a sustainable, ride-by-ride sanitization for vehicles in a fast, automated and eco-friendly way. The validation allows expanding our scope to higher volumes as well.

  J.05 (pav. J)

Gianluca Micheli, Maria Vittoria Modugno e Ilaria Todeschini

A service that supports families and doctors in the management of allergic rhinitis in childhood.

Data updated on 2024-07-16 - 11.41.53 am