Exhibitors 2022

Slammer: an autonomous rover robot

Slammer: an autonomous rover robot

A rover robot built as a learnign platform for robotics. Based on several open source technologies (like ROS), it is also used as a development platform for uNav(https://blog.alessiomorale.com/unav2/), an advanced, open, motor control platform for robotic applications. This robot uses several sensors (Depth camera, lidar, IMU & GPS) to sense the surrounding environment, map and navigate autonomously, avoiding obstacles.AI Real-Time Object Detection algorithms are used to detect objects in the surrounding environment.

Slammer: an autonomous rover robot

Alessio Morale

Software engineer, with the hobby of electronics since forever. In 2010 I discovered by chance the world of multirotor and UAVs. Initially, they were just simple Arduino based projects but soon moved to more advanced platforms.
In 2012, I started collaborating with the OpenPilot project and later, in 2015, co-founded with several of its former developers, the LibrePilot project (www.librepilot.org), mostly dealing with firmware and architecture.
Currently I'm interested in several other topics, including mobile robotics, ROS, products design and 3d printing

  D.19 (pav. D)
Data updated on 2024-04-09 - 4.17.20 pm