Exhibitors 2022

Result for TAG "Science"

MindSharing.tech APS & CoderDojo Roma SPQR

Alla Maker Faire 2022 arrivano rombanti i robot didattici di MindSharing.tech.

Marco Sebastiani, Giulia Lanzara, Sonia Marfia, Edoardo Bemporad

A presentation of the 3DINGLab of the engineering department, with 3D printing technologies from micron to macro scales.

Ilaria De Angelis, Adriana Postiglione

What is gravity? How do planets, stars and galaxies move in the Universe? Lets find it out together!

  D.07 (pav. D)

Mauro Rossi, Vincenzo De Sena

A proprietary enzyme treatment of wheat gluten is effective in suppressing the inflammatory response in intolerant people without influencing its technological properties

Amedeo Lepore, Pasquale Adobbato, Simone Bacci

ABACHOS - Automatic Back Home System - statospheric automatic back-home glider

  P.20 (pav. P)

Jellyfish Fab

An amazing experience touching waterbeads, growing them and making them at home creating your own colourful waterbead lamp.

  L.1.19B (pav. L)

Antonio Frisoli

The new technologies of collaborative robotics.

Associazione AstronomiAmo

Automated system aimed to meteor detection, citizen science and Air Quality level

Enrico Santangelo (CREA), Silvia Arnone (ENEA)

Recovery and exploitation of organic waste through the bioconversion process operated by the larvae of the soldier fly (Hermetia illucens) - HERMES Project

Classe 5A Chimica ITI Cannizzaro

The nettle fibers have been kneaded with calcium oxide and water thus obtaining a resistant product. The compound obtained was placed inside a mold that allows to give the brick the desired shape.

Gianluca Cidonio, Chiara Scognamiglio, Federico Serpe, Martina Marcotulli, Salvatore DAlessandro

3D printing and Tissue Engineering for the regeneration of damaged tissues and the modelling of diseases

  B.20 (pav. B)

Gabriele Messina, Roberta Bosco, Davide Amodeo, Isa De Palma, Gabriele Cevenini, Ugolini e C s.r.l.

The nUVA light disinfects environment even at low intensity and is safe for people and animals.

Maria di Maro, Antonio Origlia, Agostino Palmiero, Alessandra Rossi, Silvia Rossi, Antonio Totaro

The project has been supported by the Italian MISE as part of the PON I&C 2014-2020, no. F/190066/01-02/X44. The project is led by Totaro Automazioni s.r.l in conjunction with the ICAROS center of the University of Naples Federico II. The goal of the project is the creation of a robotic platform capable of managing the tasks related to the management of a bar counter in its multiple aspects of interaction, manipulation, and personalization of the offered services.

BullyBuster Staff

A framework for bullying and cyberbullying action detection by computer vision and artificial intelligence methods and algorithms

Pietro Milici

A new prototype of a geometric-mechanical device for the popularization and the teaching of calculus by hands-on activities

  C.35 (pav. C)

Maria Cristina De Rosa, Davide Pirolli, Benedetta Righino, Chiara Camponeschi

New candidate drugs designed with AI_assisted computer simulations

  E.14 (pav. E)

Domenico Prattichizzo

We will show how to recreate an interaction with remote/virtual environments and wearable haptic devices.

  B.30 (pav. B)

Letizia Marsili, Enrica Franchi, Francesca Capanni, Laura Carletti, Ilaria Ceciarini, Guia Consales, Lorenzo Minoia

The blue crab is a Mediterranean invasive species: our goal is to turn this harmful presence into a valuable resource.

DHLab Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici - Roma Tre

A showcase of research activities run in our DHLab applying ICT to Archaeology, Geography, Italian Literature, Paleography, Art History.

Jessica Podda

DIGICOG-MS is a time-efficient, smartphone- and tablet-based app for self-assessment and monitoring of cognitive functions for people with Multiple Sclerosis

  L.T.06 (pav. L)

Michaela Gallucci

Our novel, wearable glove eliminates the need for a keyboard and assists those with wrist injuries by enabling single-hand typing!

Samir Buzatu, Andrea Lombardo, Michele Ottaviano, Francesco Pilato, Christian Violo - ITET Rapisardi Da Vinci - Caltanissetta

A system consisting of a set of devices capable of analyzing the state of water pollution over vast geographical territories.

  P.14 (pav. P)

Kelly Heaton

Exploring the meaning of life through energy, frequency, and vibration

  L.1.06 (pav. L)


Multiscale and multimaterial 3D bioprinting technology that enables the biofabrication of heterogenous and hierarchical 3D cellular constructs mimicking biological tissues.

  L.T.07 (pav. L)


ELIO is a special set of electronic boards dedicated to programming teaching and prototyping of electronic projects through visual programming

  L.1.11 (pav. L)

Ellis Unit - Politecnico di Torino

Do you want to know how the most recent artificial intelligent models are used to develop the visual system of the next generation of robotic agents? Come to visit our booth!

  B.29 (pav. B)

Jellyfish Fab

FerroPets' are programmable ferrofluid displays powered by Arduino. For this year: we will be assembling them into an interactive grid of 25 units.

  L.1.19 (pav. L)

Francesca Romana Bertani (CNR-IFN); Luca Businaro (CNR-IFN); Fabio Chiarello (CNR-IFN); Annamaria Gerardino (CNR-IFN); Luca Fiorani (ENEA); Claudia Zoani (ENEA)

Measuring food quality with light: spectroscopy at the service of food safety

Marco Carminati, Anita Caracciolo, Davide Di Vita, Ilenia DAdda, Aicha Bourkadi Idrissi, Susanna Di Giacomo, Carlo Fiorini

Development of a gamma ray detector for emerging medical applications: multimodal imaging, Boron Neutron Capture Therapy (BNCT) and Hadrontherapy monitoring.

  D.04 (pav. D)

Anna Young, Jose Gomez-Marquez, Holly Harpel, Rose Hedges, Nick Dodds

MakerNurses, Doctors, OTs and patients are building the future of health technology by using maker tools to create new technology to diagnose, health, and manage our health.


Why travel around the city by car when you can use a hydrogen bike, sustainable and with a high range?

  L.2.06 (pav. L)

Fabrizio DAmico, Luca Bertolini, Antonio Napolitano, Jhon Romer Diezmos Manalo

Analyzing digital models of linear transportation infrastructure making use also of cutting-edge technologies such as VR & AR viewers

  D.13 (pav. D)

Claudia Adduce, Michele La Rocca, Valentina Lombardi, Andrea Montessori, Pietro Prestininzi, Giampiero Sciortino.

The beauty of water shines in many phenomena. This project is aimed at illustrating some of them, highlighting their importance from the natural and industrial point of view.

  D.11 (pav. D)

MaTeRG (Manufacturing Technology Research Group), Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale dellUniversit di Roma Tor Vergata

Ecological buoy which is capable to remove oils and other organic liquids from the water surfaces of seas, lakes and rivers.

  E.02 (pav. E)

The Transport laboratory of the Department of Engineering

Technologies for tracking, tracing and classifying vehicular and pedestrian flows and their use for transport engineering.

  D.13 (pav. D)

Antonio D'Antuono

For your dogs safety and health. Always connected with you even when he is alone at home.

  L.2.04 (pav. L)

Giacomo Manera

Design of an artificial intelligence model for the recognition of crop diseases and creation of dedicated software and hardware for maximum performance.

Skyward Experimental Rocketry

Skyward Experimental Rocketrys first competition sounding rocket

Pierfrancesco Panunzi

Technology Is Magic

  C.06 (pav. C)

Istituto Massimiliano Massimo

Make your big airplanes, or even, smartphone-controlled paper-based and get European drone pilot license to be ready for the future

  P.19 (pav. P)

Laura Pastorino, Donatella Di Lisa, Elena Dellacasa

2D and 3D in vitro models of brain tissue for preclinical research

Donato Abruzzese, Alessandro Tiero, Andrea Micheletti, Daniele Carnevale, Srey Mom Vuth, Pier Luigi Abiuso, Carlo Marocchini, Davide Bracale, Carlo Rosa, Piera Cammarano, Mauro Di Giulio, Sara Ferrari, Gian Marco Grizzi

Examples of continuous monitoring of civil structures for safety and prevention purposes


The Immersive Fabroom series blurs the boundaries between reality and the fantastic digital universes imagined by Fabvision and Tiwi

Raffaello Bonghi

The smallest NVIDIA Jetson dinosaur robot, fully 3D printable, open-source, ROS2 and Isaac ROS based.

  D.19 (pav. D)

OfficineApogeo, Costantina De Mitri, Luca Di Massimo

We will perform some chemistry, physics and biology experiments, useful to improve science teaching at school.

Claudia Cecioni; Alessandro Romano; Giorgio Bellotti; Leopoldo Franco

The project allows generating sea waves and looking at their propagation and interaction with coastal structures

Carlo Fonda, Gaya Fior, Marco Bruzzo, Sara Sossi, Enrique Canessa

A lasercut replica the original mechanical clock designed by Galileo Galilei in XV Century.

  L.1.26 (pav. L)

Ilaria De Angelis, Giulio Graziano, Adriana Postiglione, Massimiliano Di Blasi, Sergio Giannelli

How much would you weigh on Jupiter? How big are Saturns rings? Discover this and more surfing our solar system

  D.07 (pav. D)


Pico Bricks is an electronic development board + software which is designed for use in maker projects. With ten detachable modules included, Pico Bricks can be used to create a wide variety of projects. It also includes a protoboard that you can use to add your own modules!

Data updated on 2025-01-24 - 12.32.30 am