Exhibitors 2022

Category "Makers"

MindSharing.tech APS & CoderDojo Roma SPQR

Alla Maker Faire 2022 arrivano rombanti i robot didattici di MindSharing.tech.

Maura Imbimbo

Applications of structural restoration and monitoring of architectural and decorative elements. The innovative idea behind the project is the use of 3D printing for the realization of structural or decorative elements aimed at the integration of architectural and/or structural gaps of the cultural heritage, in compliance with the reversibility, durability and distinguishability of the materials. The project involves the development of an innovative production process, which, thanks to the use of eco-sustainable materials with high mechanical and thermal performances, allows the production of architectural components modeled on the geometric irregularity of the gap, structural performing and possibly instrumented to carry out a permanent post-intervention monitoring.

  D.28 (pav. D)

Martin Maria Aversa, Daniele De Simone - Vesvius srl

Vesvius - advanced in materials technology, advanced in respect to the environment!

  N.04 (pav. N)

Feed Srl

The project aims to present the nowadays AGRICULTURE 4.0 innovations that improve the companies quality and save economic resources

Azienda agricola DI GIROLAMO SARA

Presentare le innovative tecnologie dell AGRICOLTURA 4.0 che consentono allazienda di migliorare la qualit della produzione e dei proprio prodotti, rispettando lambiente


The project aims to present the nowadays AGRICULTURE 4.0 innovations that improve the companies quality and save economic resources


The first solution in the world that lets you enjoy every glass of wine by enhancing the wine lover experience.

The Ant Team

Ant Workflow is a CNC, an open source software, a control board, a lot of passion and much more. Basically, everything a maker needs to make electronic circuits.

  L.1.02 (pav. L)

Jellyfish Fab

An amazing experience touching waterbeads, growing them and making them at home creating your own colourful waterbead lamp.

  L.1.19B (pav. L)

Scuola secondaria di Carimate

ARDU-FRIGO helps people use their fridge consciously and save energy.

gruppo fermodellistico tartaruga

our project brings electronics to the world of miniature railways

  L.1.08 (pav. L)

Leonardo Bertelli, Luca Acquati, Federico Sarrocco

Argo is the personal robotic assistant for your home. A robot which can entertain but also be useful.

Giovanni Bernardo

Cheap and customizable STEM Robot based on Arduino Uno with parts printed in 3D and easy-available components.


ASCA develops photovoltaic energy harvesting solutions for connected objects and IoT, reducing the battery usage, while increasing functionality and autonomy.

  C.02 (pav. C)

Associazione AstronomiAmo

Automated system aimed to meteor detection, citizen science and Air Quality level

Enrico Santangelo (CREA), Silvia Arnone (ENEA)

Recovery and exploitation of organic waste through the bioconversion process operated by the larvae of the soldier fly (Hermetia illucens) - HERMES Project

Bioeconomy Village

What is the circular bioeconomy and what are the bio-based applications in everyday life? Visit the interactive house of the Bioeconomy Village to find out how the sustainable future is already a reality.

  L.1.13 (pav. L)

Christian Cabrera, Licia De Benedictis, Roberto Bedini, Simona Ceccarelli

Biomercato is a network of farmers that creates real and digital markets exclusively organic.

  L.S.20 (pav. L)

Zrinka Valetic

Learn how to recycle plastic and do DIY bioplastic at home

  P.12 (pav. P)

BullyBuster Staff

A framework for bullying and cyberbullying action detection by computer vision and artificial intelligence methods and algorithms

Pietro Milici

A new prototype of a geometric-mechanical device for the popularization and the teaching of calculus by hands-on activities

  C.35 (pav. C)

Team del corso di Wine Marketing Manager di ITS Agroalimentare Piemonte con Annoluce sas

Blockchain and NFT Technology to create a unique digital certification for collectible wine bottles linked to multimedia augmented file. A new experience for wine market

  O.16 (pav. O)

Team del corso di Incoming Event Manager di ITS Turismo e Attivit Culturali Piemonte con Annoluce sas

A new approach discovering a cities and finding their MUST SEE

  O.17 (pav. O)

Fatih Kazim Duymaz

Co Print is a multi-filament 3D printing module that enables all 3D printers on the market to produce multi-material models with a single print tip.

  C.05 (pav. C)

Emiliano Gatti

Learn the history of ancient Rome in an engaging and interactive way, your robot is your character in ancient Rome, you have to lead it to the Colosseum, you will receive support from QR codes on the playground that will display animations and information in augmented reality, when you will have arrived at the Colosseum you will discover the thrill of being a gladiator challenging other players in a no holds barred combat inside the "Colosseum" arena. Are you ready for the challenge?

  O.27 (pav. O)

Tetsuji Katsuda

Robots play musical instruments. They also sing & talk.

  L.2.03 (pav. L)

Domenico Formenton

Tool for the detection of fencing points to be used in the open air

  L.T.17 (pav. L)

Jessica Podda

DIGICOG-MS is a time-efficient, smartphone- and tablet-based app for self-assessment and monitoring of cognitive functions for people with Multiple Sclerosis

  L.T.06 (pav. L)

Michaela Gallucci

Our novel, wearable glove eliminates the need for a keyboard and assists those with wrist injuries by enabling single-hand typing!

dock3 - the startup lab

Discover the startups graduated from dock3, available to tell their story and to meet people interested in collaborating.

  D.08 (pav. D)

Terrence Briscoe

DOOR-GIENIC is the new mechanical system with hygienic functionality, to lock/unlock a door, without hand interaction.

Florence Robotics - Luca Bigazzi, luigi Pannocchi, Stefano Gherardini, Enrico Boni, Michele Basso

Drone Open-Source in grado di supportare applicazioni sviluppate dall'utente per la guida autonoma avanzata.

Michele Praga (e-Nable Italia), Alessandro Villa (e-Nable Italia)

A bike adapter device for children with limb difference problems, configurable to be adapted to the user, can be entirely build with a 3d printer using a flexible filament

Roberto Arrigucci

This app speeds up the recording time of the pool parameters and gives bureaucratic security

Roni Bandini

Anticipates power outages with Machine Learning inside the outlet

  C.38 (pav. C)

Kelly Heaton

Exploring the meaning of life through energy, frequency, and vibration

  L.1.06 (pav. L)


Multiscale and multimaterial 3D bioprinting technology that enables the biofabrication of heterogenous and hierarchical 3D cellular constructs mimicking biological tissues.

  L.T.07 (pav. L)


ELIO is a special set of electronic boards dedicated to programming teaching and prototyping of electronic projects through visual programming

  L.1.11 (pav. L)

Giuseppe Cristiano Milluzzo

"Emergency Power Stop", EPS. Accessory for the safety of the pilot VDS flight, PPG and TRIKE paramotor category. It shuts down the engine if it starts at maximum number of revolutions due to a mechanical or pilot problem.

Fab Lab Barcelona

Fab Lab Barcelona is a research and education centre rethinking the way we live, work, and play around the world!

Francesco Maria Bucarelli / Claudia Atorino

Sauces and vegetable preserves of potatoes, eggplant, peppers, zucchini, pumpkins fermented by Lattobacillus (Rhamnosus, Plantarum) and/or autochthonous microflora

  L.S.25 (pav. L)

Jellyfish Fab

FerroPets' are programmable ferrofluid displays powered by Arduino. For this year: we will be assembling them into an interactive grid of 25 units.

  L.1.19 (pav. L)

Tecnoseta srl: Massimo Proia, Maddalena Mariani, Antonella Della Bella

Filanda 4.0. A dialogue between tradition and innovation to rethink silk as a new "Made in Italy" excellence.

Guido Palombi, Manilo Caputo

Let's fight the food waste together! Yummy fresh food from your favourite food stores with unbelievable discounts.

Paz Heping

Wings on a BMX.

  L.1.16 (pav. L)

Agro Camera

Specialty food development and innovation

  L.S.16 (pav. L)

Francesca Romana Bertani (CNR-IFN); Luca Businaro (CNR-IFN); Fabio Chiarello (CNR-IFN); Annamaria Gerardino (CNR-IFN); Luca Fiorani (ENEA); Claudia Zoani (ENEA)

Measuring food quality with light: spectroscopy at the service of food safety

Freie Maker e.V.

With Alice - Between The Mirrors, we want to give people a playful way into quantum technology basics.

  L.1.12 (pav. L)



Gruppo operativo FRUFUN
  • Low environmental impact production of innovative functional foods with fruit produced by agricultural businesses in the Sabine area
  L.S.23 (pav. L)
Data updated on 2025-02-18 - 7.10.55 am