Exhibitors 2022

Result for TAG "Education"

MindSharing.tech APS & CoderDojo Roma SPQR

Alla Maker Faire 2022 arrivano rombanti i robot didattici di MindSharing.tech.

Ilaria De Angelis, Adriana Postiglione

What is gravity? How do planets, stars and galaxies move in the Universe? Lets find it out together!

  D.07 (pav. D)

Amedeo Lepore, Pasquale Adobbato, Simone Bacci

ABACHOS - Automatic Back Home System - statospheric automatic back-home glider

  P.20 (pav. P)

The Ant Team

Ant Workflow is a CNC, an open source software, a control board, a lot of passion and much more. Basically, everything a maker needs to make electronic circuits.

  L.1.02 (pav. L)

Francesca Fiore, Universit di Trento, Associazione GLOW

Experimenting with 3D printing, laser cutting, milling cutters, vinyl cutting and more, introduced through an accessible approach and language

Leonardo Bertelli, Luca Acquati, Federico Sarrocco

Argo is the personal robotic assistant for your home. A robot which can entertain but also be useful.

Giovanni Bernardo

Cheap and customizable STEM Robot based on Arduino Uno with parts printed in 3D and easy-available components.

Associazione AstronomiAmo

Automated system aimed to meteor detection, citizen science and Air Quality level

Idea e Sviluppo: BAIRES RAFFAELLI - Responsabile Scientifico: MARCO FERRERO

AVLA is a tool for designing inclusive cities, which welcome everyone equally, putting everyone on an equal basis

  D.31 (pav. D)

Classe 5A Chimica ITI Cannizzaro

The nettle fibers have been kneaded with calcium oxide and water thus obtaining a resistant product. The compound obtained was placed inside a mold that allows to give the brick the desired shape.

Christian Cabrera, Licia De Benedictis, Roberto Bedini, Simona Ceccarelli

Biomercato is a network of farmers that creates real and digital markets exclusively organic.

  L.S.20 (pav. L)

Zrinka Valetic

Learn how to recycle plastic and do DIY bioplastic at home

  P.12 (pav. P)

BullyBuster Staff

A framework for bullying and cyberbullying action detection by computer vision and artificial intelligence methods and algorithms

Pietro Milici

A new prototype of a geometric-mechanical device for the popularization and the teaching of calculus by hands-on activities

  C.35 (pav. C)


A VR application of the environment in which the Scipionyx Samniticus, known as Ciro, lived.

Emiliano Gatti

Learn the history of ancient Rome in an engaging and interactive way, your robot is your character in ancient Rome, you have to lead it to the Colosseum, you will receive support from QR codes on the playground that will display animations and information in augmented reality, when you will have arrived at the Colosseum you will discover the thrill of being a gladiator challenging other players in a no holds barred combat inside the "Colosseum" arena. Are you ready for the challenge?

  O.27 (pav. O)

Letizia Marsili, Enrica Franchi, Francesca Capanni, Laura Carletti, Ilaria Ceciarini, Guia Consales, Lorenzo Minoia

The blue crab is a Mediterranean invasive species: our goal is to turn this harmful presence into a valuable resource.

DHLab Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici - Roma Tre

A showcase of research activities run in our DHLab applying ICT to Archaeology, Geography, Italian Literature, Paleography, Art History.

Sandra Chistolini e il team del Corso di Perfezionamento in outdoor education

The project invests in digital knowledge, creates multimedia educational products, gives opportunities to investigate about innovative methodology in outdoor learning.


The design of a shower system that aims at sustainability, creating good habits, raising awareness of water and energy savings and generating concrete economic benefits for the consumer. DocciA ++ does not affect comfort, but, on the contrary, improves the user experience, making the shower smart and interconnecte

Michele Praga (e-Nable Italia), Alessandro Villa (e-Nable Italia)

A bike adapter device for children with limb difference problems, configurable to be adapted to the user, can be entirely build with a 3d printer using a flexible filament

Kelly Heaton

Exploring the meaning of life through energy, frequency, and vibration

  L.1.06 (pav. L)


ELIO is a special set of electronic boards dedicated to programming teaching and prototyping of electronic projects through visual programming

  L.1.11 (pav. L)

Pio Alfredo Di Tore, Stefano Di Tore, Lucia Campitiello, Michele Todino, Fabrizio Schiavo


Peetri Lasteaed - Phikool, 7 class

Students created games about European countries, their flags and capitals. They used the web-based programs Scratch and AppInventor to make games.

  P.16 (pav. P)

Ellis Unit - Politecnico di Torino

Do you want to know how the most recent artificial intelligent models are used to develop the visual system of the next generation of robotic agents? Come to visit our booth!

  B.29 (pav. B)

Jellyfish Fab

FerroPets' are programmable ferrofluid displays powered by Arduino. For this year: we will be assembling them into an interactive grid of 25 units.

  L.1.19 (pav. L)

Freie Maker e.V.

With Alice - Between The Mirrors, we want to give people a playful way into quantum technology basics.

  L.1.12 (pav. L)

Gbor Prill Lszl Sisa - Dalma Zsig Nyregyhza Vocational Training Center Bnki Dont Engineering Technical Secondary School and Student Hostel

The HandExo is a personalizable hand-exoskeleton, it can redefine the future of hand rehabilitation.

  P.07 (pav. P)


For a new vision 4.0 of the welder


Why travel around the city by car when you can use a hydrogen bike, sustainable and with a high range?

  L.2.06 (pav. L)

Orazio Miglino, Massimiliano Caretti, Raffaele Di Fuccio, Onofrio Gigliotta, Massimiliano Schembri

The prototypes show the features of a subfield of mixed reality called tangible user interfaces, where the user has to interact with multisensory objects that involve all the senses including smelll.

Roberto Tascioni

Homemade audio system made up of a transmission line subwoofer of 3,6 m and 480 W rms class T amplifier.

  L.2.05 (pav. L)

Fabrizio DAmico, Luca Bertolini, Antonio Napolitano, Jhon Romer Diezmos Manalo

Analyzing digital models of linear transportation infrastructure making use also of cutting-edge technologies such as VR & AR viewers

  D.13 (pav. D)

Mario Giampaolo, Loretta Fabbri, Caterina Garofano

360 immersive videos for job orientation for university students


How the study of human behavior can improve machines

  B.19 (pav. B)

Carmen Ionescu

ITSPHUN is a system which creates 3D objects by interlocking geometric shapes . It has learning , playing and crafting purposes .

  P.04 (pav. P)

Massimo Reverberi; Stefano Sarti

the lab2go project, born a few years ago to help high schools recover their laboratory heritage

  D.31 (pav. D)

The Transport laboratory of the Department of Engineering

Technologies for tracking, tracing and classifying vehicular and pedestrian flows and their use for transport engineering.

  D.13 (pav. D)

Gruppo Scout FSE Pontinia1

The technology of yesterday, that of today and our idea of ??the future, trying in small gestures to make this world better than how we found it

Giacomo Manera

Design of an artificial intelligence model for the recognition of crop diseases and creation of dedicated software and hardware for maximum performance.

Skyward Experimental Rocketry

Skyward Experimental Rocketrys first competition sounding rocket

Michela Marchiori, Paola Demartini, Lucia Marchegiani, Mauro Baioni, Annalisa Cicerchia, Flavia Marucci

With the aim of identifying a holistic model of impact assessment of interventions on cultural heritage with a view to sustainability, the H2020 project, called SoPHIA, focuses on the fundamental dimensions to be taken into account in the exercise of the evaluation. That is to say: i) the areas of impact, which are necessarily transversal to the economic, social, environmental and cultural domains; ii) persons, understood as stakeholders directly involved or indirectly impacted by the intervention under analysis; iii) time, or the need for the impact assessment to be launched already in the design phase of the cultural intervention (Marchiori et al., 2022).

Impact Assessment; #Cultural Heritage; #Sustainability; #Wellbeing

  D.28 (pav. D)

Gian Luigi Perrella, Bruno Luziatelli, Carlo Ottaviani per OR-Officine Robotiche

M5Tello for S.T.R.E.A.M. 2.0: Learn to program a drone with block code to carry out many missions in a Educational context.

  C.30 (pav. C)

Matteo Vettori, Lorenzo Bergonzi

MaCh3D brings material testing outside laboratories directly in industrial production as well as on office desks or school benches thanks to a compact material testing platform and an easier-safer-faster anyway accurate procedure.

  L.1.09 (pav. L)

Ing. Gabriele Burnelli

Electronic innovative system for industry 4.0 that makes laboratory workstations smart connected and safer.

Pierfrancesco Panunzi

Technology Is Magic

  C.06 (pav. C)

Sol Bekic, Agnese Del Zozzo, Francesca Fiore, Alessandro Oneto, Verdiana Pasqualini, Carlotta Vielmo, Marco Andreatta, Alberto Montresor

Alternanza scuola-lavoro in the service of popularization: mathematical games and networking between schools and universities

Staff e studenti del corso Tecnico Informatica Biomedica della Fondazione ITS A. Volta e team di VisionQub.It

Robot supporting nursing homes staff and guests in their daily needs: Smart Delivery, Telepresence, Guide Me To


The Immersive Fabroom series blurs the boundaries between reality and the fantastic digital universes imagined by Fabvision and Tiwi

Data updated on 2025-02-18 - 5.01.02 am