Exhibitors 2022

Onde del mare -  Sea Waves

Onde del mare - Sea Waves

The “Sea waves” project aims to show the propagation of sea waves and their interaction with structures. A small 3D tank is filled with water, by the manual movement of a paddle positioned at one side of the tank, wave are generated. In the tank it is possible to introduce models of maritime structures (concrete blocks emerged or coarse rock material, gravel). Wave propagation, reflection and diffraction phenomena will be appreciable in the tank.

Onde del mare -  Sea Waves

Claudia Cecioni; Alessandro Romano; Giorgio Bellotti; Leopoldo Franco

Claudia Cecioni and Alessandro Romano are both Associate Professor at Roma Tre University, Engineering Department. Their scientific interests are in the field of Coastal Engineering
Giorgio Bellotti and Leopoldo Franco are both Full Professor at Roma Tre University, Engineering Department. Their scientific interests are in the field of Coastal Engineering

  D.01 (pav. D)
Data updated on 2024-05-17 - 10.48.22 am