Exhibitors 2022

MOQA: Misura e Ottimizza la Qualità della tua Abitazione

MOQA: Misura e Ottimizza la Qualità della tua Abitazione

What if your favorite voice assistant could tell you how to keep your home cool in summer and warm in winter, even solving moisture problems under your kitchen sink? What if it can also help reducing costs on your utility bill?
MOQA is a low-cost plug-and-play system for environmental and energy monitoring of homes, a hub that can connect IoT devices in your apartment, collect data on energy consumption, temperatures, humidity, indoor air quality and more, providing useful suggestion to improve wellbeing inside indoor environments and reduce the environmental impact of our daily actions.

MOQA: Misura e Ottimizza la Qualità della tua Abitazione

Nicola Callegaro

Building engineer - architect, PhD student at the University of Trento (Italy) on the topic of home automation and low-cost sensor technology for monitoring and improving indoor environmental quality in residential buildings. In love with problem solving and always eager to understand how things are made.

  C.01 (pav. C)
Data updated on 2024-05-13 - 11.24.21 am