Exhibitors 2022

Il Parco Open Source | Open Source Park

Il Parco Open Source | Open Source Park

The Upcycling Fab Lab is a Living experiment in combining design, waste management and digital fabrication established at Roma Tre University Department of Architecture. A set of Open Designs are digitally fabricated directly from available materials, coming from the local waste chain. A design that is digitally tailored on waste, providing to used envelopes in wood and cardboard an entirely new perception, beyond vintage, towards greentage: a new life, that subtly keeps its old story. Several prototypes will be shown and will be available for testing, coming from the collaborations with several associations, chains and industry partners.

Il Parco Open Source | Open Source Park

Roma Tre University Dipartimento di Architettura - Laboratorio Modelli e Prototipi

Stefano Converso is an architect and designer keen on experimenting and testing the possible impact of digitally rooted innovation into design and architectural practice. He performed several architectural projects embedding data management and File to Factory processes, at all scales.

Data updated on 2025-01-23 - 6.18.12 pm