Exhibitors 2022



SmartSatCare aims at promoting the use of TV-based remote assistance services for health monitoring. It started from the legacy of TV-AssistDEM (an AAL Project) and focuses on extending the videocall services and integrating the whole system with satellite technologies. The goal is to enhance the teleassistance in different geographical areas, including those rather remote. The key point of the project is to cope with the specific needs emerged from the COVID-19 pandemic situation, and to evaluate their effectiveness in the area pertaining to ASL CN2 with an experimentation of 8 months.


Gabriella Cortellessa (CNR-ISTC), Francesca Fracasso (CNR-ISTC), Alessandro Umbrico (CNR-ISTC)

CNR - Istituto di Scienze e Tecnologie della Cognizione (CNR-ISTC)

ASL CN2 - Azienda Sanitaria Locale CN2 di Alba e Bra

Meetecho S.r.l.


  E.14 (pav. E)
Data updated on 2024-05-13 - 11.24.21 am