Exhibitors 2022

PuroSole, sistemi di torrefazione del caff, cottura degli alimenti e illuminazione degli ambienti, attraverso il solo irraggiamento solare diretto.

PuroSole, sistemi di torrefazione del caff, cottura degli alimenti e illuminazione degli ambienti, attraverso il solo irraggiamento solare diretto.

Digitarch Farm offers, under its own registered trademark "PuroSole", innovative coffee roasting systems through the concentrated use of sunlight. These systems can be sized to roast from a few ounces of coffee up to over 100 kg. of coffee every hour. PuroSole also features an integrated food cooking system that uses only sunlight as an energy source. Finally, a lighting system for the rooms will also be presented, using only direct solar radiation.
All the applications presented are based on the use of proprietary heliostats, designed, built and marketed by Digitarch Farm. These heliostats are totally autonomous devices that concentrate the reflected light of the sun in fixed directions thus allowing to obtain the high energies necessary for these applications.

PuroSole, sistemi di torrefazione del caff, cottura degli alimenti e illuminazione degli ambienti, attraverso il solo irraggiamento solare diretto.

PuroSole, Digitarch Farm

Authors of several patents in the field of automation and solar energy.

Data updated on 2025-02-11 - 6.48.18 pm