Exhibitors 2015

One Maker Band, la batteria indossabile
One Maker Band, la batteria indossabile

One Maker Band, la batteria indossabile

System based on Arduino connected to four accelerometers placed on four limbs that send positive and negative accelerations to the board. That board decodes these values in codes MIDI to a PC card equipped with midi / usb which in turn interprets these codes assigned to MIDI channel 10 will be assigned to 4 distinct sounds one for each limb (ex., right foot bass drum , left foot hi-hat , snare right hand , left hand crash )

One Maker Band, la batteria indossabile

Team di makers del fablab InnovationGym: Stefano Antinori, Marco Contini, Andrea Belli,

Andrea Belli: mechanical engineer
Stefano Antinori: IT Manager, passionate about technology and DIY
Alessio Di Brigida: student, passionate about robotics, wearable and arduino
Marco Contini: IT manager, passionate about art and sound

Data updated on 2024-07-16 - 10.24.13 am