Exhibitors 2018

Maker Faire Rome 2018: discover our makers, exhibitors and all the selected projects!

Prof. Vincenzo Lippiello
HYFLIERS will develop the world's first industrial integrated robot with hybrid air and ground mobility with a long-reach hyper-redundant manipulator capable of reaching sites where no other robot can access, reducing the exposition of human inspectors to potentially dangerous working conditions.

Lorenzo Panisi, Silvia Giovanella, Claudio Ferrari
Hyperion, a new way to live the energy of the sun.

Sindaco Vito
I-CAN IS AN ELECTRONIC INTERFACE that allows a disabled person to be able to give / activate technical commands to a computer / electrical / electronic device
  A32 (pav. 4)

Mattia Creta, Marta Girelli, Marcello Maiorana, Alessandro Montingelli, Xinghua Wang
"I Fiori Pazzi" consists of an educational game for children between 4/5 years that allows you to learn how to recognize and match colors.

The Teleprinter world and its old network as it was yesterday and how we bring it back to life in today's Internet era. It is possible to chat with a teleprinter made in the 50's and connected to a network of collectors around the world from Australia to Europe or Canada or you can punch your name on a punched tape. You can send an email to an old telex machine and see how it prints it.

Classe 3 TTL A (Istituto Tecnico Nautico), IVC (IPSIA Manutenzione) I.I.S.S. "L. Calamatta" di Civitavecchia (RM)
"i-Keel" is an innovative system to be installed on board sailboats to increase performances and maneuverability. It is an advanced system of tilting keel, retractable and intelligent bulb with azimuth propulsion.

Cool Projects Srl, Idea75 Srl
Control solutions based on IoT and AI technology for climate control and energy optimization of buildings.

Università di Pisa - Dip. Ingegneria dell'Informazione
  H23 (pav. 5)

DII is an International Center of Excellence for research and higher education in the field of Information and Communication Technology (ICT), Robotics and Bioengineering, and amongst the top leading Universities in Italy f
ICT technologies for health and environment: biomedical open source devices, printable 2D electronics, air quality monitoring devices, organs-on-chip, Augmented Reality.

The Diaper Dryers - IV B ITET “Rapisardi Da Vinci” - Caltanissetta
IDS – Intelligent Diaper Sensor: The solution to nappy anxiety. Monitoring your child's hygienic health status in real time.

IED - Istituto Europeo di Design
An international school of excellence, 100% Made in Italy, that offers undergraduate, advanced and Master’s courses. A powerhouse of ideas where new generati …

Andrea Mullineris
Promote Sustainability Through Green Unique Products

Silvano Fares, Alessandro Alivernini
Un drone multirotore equipaggiato con sensoristica in grado di rilevare lo stato di salute della vegetazione
  E18 (pav. 4)

OLAB Education
Using “Gioco del Coding” you learn the basics of programming and improve your ability to solve problems.

Marco Musumeci
The Turnantenna will change Wireless Mesh networking forever. It's powerful, it's clever, and it's open source!

Roberta Paolini e GoWare Edizioni
A children's book-game that allows you to create many courses like a real chef, combining innovation, craftsmanship and creativity: all with paper!

Maria Rosaria De Blasiis, Andrea Benedetto, Francesco Bella, Alessandro Calvi, Fabrizio D’Amico, Spartaco Cera, Chiara Ferrante, Luca Bianchini Ciampoli, Federica Nobili
The project involves the use of a virtual reality driving simulator for driver behavior researches in the field of road safety.

OfficineApogeo (Angela Colamaria, Luca Di Massimo, Andrea Leopaldi)
The importance of energy: production, transmission, saving.

greenpeace onlus
immersive communication for fundraising

Paolo Merialdo, Donatella Firmani
The project aims at building a Knowledge Graph extracting facts from medieval manuscripts.

Francesco Romanello, Luca saraceno, Antonio Scotini, Giuseppe Zummo
in quattro is an Italian startup that makes an advanced two-phase thermal management systems for electronics (CPU, GPU, computers, IGBT).

Loic De Buck
Automation controllers that bridge the worlds of makers and real industry.

Università La sapienza, Prof. Antonio ZUORRO
BioChemical trends and innovation

Donato Abruzzese, Claudio Greco, Gaetano Marrocco, Andrea Micheletti, Alessandro Tiero
An innovative system for real-time wireless monitoring of the stress state in structural elements of new and existing buildings

ITS Fondazione G. Caboto (Gaeta) - Allievi del Corso "Tecnico Superiore Gestione degli apparati ed impianti di bordo" Coord. Prof. Mario Bellipanni
Flexibility and innovation, as no one is ever skilful enough at sea. Creative and low- impact answers for social inclusion

Daniele Nardi
RoCoCo Lab, DIAG, Sapienza Università Roma: Soccer Robots, MARRtino, H2020 Flourish Precision Agriculture; H2020 SciRoc robot competitions in Smart Cities.

Ramy Rashad , Robotics and Mechatronics Group, UTwente
The next generation of aerial robots actively interacting with the environment and humans.

Stefano Panzieri, Chiara Foglietta, Cosimo Palazzo, Dario Masucci, Riccardo Colelli
Multi-sensor platform based on microcontroller and interfaced with fog-computing KosmoServer gateway, directly connected to a MongoDB cloud.

Il partenariato del progetto IoT4SMEs
IoT4SMEs, the European project for the training of managers and professionals to the IoT technologies

Alessandro Massari
A smart bicycle helmet with an Arduino, leds and sensors in order to cycling in a safer way in the cities.

Scuola di Robotica - HUMANOIDS FESTIVAL
  E22 (pav. 9)

Scuola di Robotica - HUMANOIDS FESTIVAL
  E23 (pav. 9)

Rubino Guido, Rubino Luigi
An isolated CAN_BUS shield up to 1000V designed in Italy by the RubinoLab team for industry 4.0 internet of things

Scuola di Robotica - HUMANOIDS FESTIVAL
  E9 (pav. 9)

Istituto Poligrafico e Zecca dello Stato S.p.A.
Cutting edge anti-counterfeiting and traceability systems to guarantee physical and digital identity, sophisticated technological applications and integrated so …
  D8 (pav. 8)

Design lamps to furnish with lighting, unique pieces that can be repeated infinitely, customizable, accessible to many

Italia Cosplay
handmade creations of cosplay, armors, robot, statues, scenographies and accessories.

Italian Trade Agency
  B15 (pav. 5)

Scuola di Robotica - HUMANOIDS FESTIVAL
  E24 (pav. 9)

Scuola di Robotica - HUMANOIDS FESTIVAL
  E25 (pav. 9)

ITmakES è un progetto avviato dall'Ambasciata d’Italia a Madrid per sviluppare nuovi canali di dialogo tra l’Italia e la Spagna e permettere ai makers di avviare progetti congiunti, mettendo in rete creatività, esperienze e “saper fare”.
ITmakES is a project by the Italian Embassy and Consulate in Spain on innovation and responsible entrepreneurial cooperation. The Fab Linkage focuses on digital fabrication and making.

Make wonderful and colorful creations at the intersection of art and mathematics using the ITSPHUN system of geometric shapes!
  C15 (pav. 7)

Wheelchair is designed with brushless and directional engines for wheel drive. Through the two levers placed under the armrests it is possible to increase, decrease the speed and decide direction/direction of travel. Manageable, practical, fun and ecological. Battery: from 4.0 Ah 36 V to 18.0 Ah 36 V Lithium Range: from 1 hr to 6 hrs Full charge: from 2 hrs to 7 hrs Speed: 10 Kmh max

Studenti Gian Lorenzo Villa e Lorenzo Romagnoli della classe 5C (coordinati dai Prof. Roberta D'Agostino e Daniele Impellizzeri) - Istituto Tecnico Agrario “Giuseppe Garibaldi” Roma
βίος is a home vertical hydroponic growing system for a healthier and environmentally sustainable diet exploiting food waste compost as fertilizer.

Fondazione ITS Energia, Ambiente ed Edilizia Sostenibile
K-lever: an intelligent kitchen hood: to prevent accidents at home caused by lack of electricity, dirty filters or uncontrolled fumes

Kanèsis is the Italian brand that has developed an innovative project for the develop ment of sustainable patented industrial processes and materials starting from different agricultural supply chains wastes.

Kanso srl - Negozio 4.0
  TS.2 (pav. )

HackLab Terni
It is an interactive and reactive open source game based on Karate rules and techniques.

kentstrapper srl
Kentstrapper is an italian company, founded in august 2011, that projects, produces and sells 3d printers with FFF (filament) and LCD-UV (resin) technology. The …

Kuka Roboter Italia
Our goal is to promote our solutions in terms of collaborative robots and mobile robots that are compliant with the Industrie 4.0 principles.
  H12 (pav. 5)
Data updated on 2024-07-16 - 10.50.38 am