Exhibitors 2015

3eco : sustainable re-use for plastic

3eco : sustainable re-use for plastic

3eco aims to market a material 3D printers consumer derived from regeneration that preserves the performance characteristics required. This will give a positive impetus to recycling with a decrease of CO2 emitted into the atmosphere (about 60%) and a lower consumption of primary sources exhaustible. 3eco is a filament printing regenerated by melting pellets of recycled plastics, used with 3D printers consumer to FDM. The quality and sustainability of 3eco not only in the product but in its entire life cycle (creation, packaging, delivery and collection of waste). For this is placed a special focus on the role of packaging, totally sustainable.

3eco : sustainable re-use for plastic

TryeCo 2.0 srl

TryeCo 2.0 is a company founded in 2011 that deals with laser scanning and 3D printing. The staff who worked 3eco consists of: Roberto Meschini, Federico Balboni and Matteo Fabbri. Roberto Meschini: Born in Cesena in 1973, PhD, architect and photographer, since 1994 working in the field of research and architectural design and multimedia in several Italian cities, after realizing some architectures focused mainly in museum display media, has made several videos , dvd, cd-rom and books.
He traveled to many parts of the world, working with the 'Unesco and other international institutions from Central America to Asia, from the Middle East to the Arabian peninsula, obtaining shots for photographic exhibitions and magazines;
Federico Balboni: he born in Bologna in 1983, degree in Economics and M.Sc. in Economics and Management of 'Internationalization and' Sustainable Innovation, he joined TryeCo 2.0 as responsible for 'area marketing and sales; Matteo Fabbri: Born in Ferrara in 1975, architect, collaborator of the Research Laboratory DIAPReM the Faculty of Architecture in Ferrara from 2000 to 2006 and professor of the course of Advanced Three-dimensional Relief at the same in 2007. He has worked in the course of professional activity with several design firms, responsible for the implementation of the Project of plastic Vema for X Biennale of Architecture in Venice and collaborated with ARPANet for the realization of the model of the Milan EXPO 2015 Metavisuale used for the allocation of the event.

Data updated on 2024-05-17 - 10.48.22 am