Exhibitors 2015



With over two centuries of evolution of the bicycle has accompanied man in an important technological growth where tradition and innovation are often linked. If the dawn bicycle was seen as a new means of transport now, in the era of eco sustainability, it is becoming a real way of life in which the innovative and alternative materials are the protagonist. Thanks to its characteristics the wood is an excellent materiale from a functional point of view, environmental and aesthetic, is renewable and can be reused. In the era of ever-changing technology to the study of a wooden bicycle back to tradition and simplicity, with a direct and material between person and abject, especially the concept of pure pleasure. With typical characteristics of a true city bike WooBi provides unique features in design and comfort. The large capacity of the wood in terms of resistance and shock absorption, like steel and carbon fiber, give an experience of linear guide and quite can arouse a feeling of comfort and well-being. Founded by the combination of wood and bicycle WooBi comes as the city bike for those who want to walk in everyday life. Its minimalist design brings to tradition while searching for new aesthetic forms and technological uniqueness and turns his gaze to the future. Technology from the soul and spirit vintage, the wooden bicycle has important solutions and the lastest technology. The trasmission is entrusted to the Gates Carbon Drive belt that guarantees quietness, cleanliness and fluidity. Aimed at a broad market that uses the bicycle not only as a means of transport but as a chaperone and an element of pure design, WooBi is the ideal medium for those who love to stand out in an enviromentally responsible.


Matteo Zugnoni

Matteo Zugnoni is an italian designer who loves technology, music and sport. With a long time experience in boat furnishing, has a degree in Design and Disciplines of Fashion. His daily job is to design products where tradition and innovation could give a nice sensation of handiness and wellness.

Data updated on 2024-05-13 - 11.24.21 am