Exhibitors 2015

We make the music
We make the music

We make the music

The project born out with the aim of bringing the technology to everyone, where the education is one of the fundamental pillars. By means of a element that knows no boundaries as is the music, we make instruments as an educational device, with music as an element where you will learn electronics, programming. And in order to make them fully accessible, we believe in the great potential that digital manufacturing to democratize technology, and in the 3D printing as a tool that allows you to generate low-cost physical elements. The result are new instruments made digitally, that will work through various preprogramed electronic components.

We make the music


Composed by Marc Sibila teacher (technology and robotic devices), and Jordi Divins engineer and teacher (programing).
Composed by Miquel Lloveras Architect and Masters in Advanced Architecture,
Joaquim Agustí mechanical engineer, David Marco programer and e-comerce specialist.

Data updated on 2024-05-13 - 11.24.21 am