Exhibitors 2015



Orticale is a vertical garden that thanks to an optional parallel rotation, allows an equal distribution of light and water in a reduced space. It is adaptable to the needs of logistics, with the constant of reducing the space occupied up to one third of the arable land.
You can obtain a multitude of products that have foliage no more than 40 cm, such as carrots, fennel, herbs.
Thanks to its deep adaptability not only you can choose the size and the consequent use of destinations (home, industrial), but also different models: manual, electric, with a low power and adjustable by a timer, and photovoltaics.
This allows Orticale to be an ideal solution not only for the recovery of spaces, for example in highly polluted areas, but also for the possible involvement of subjects forced to wheelchair who can be an active part of the cultivation of their gardens or in dedicated gardens, adapting the work area to their specific needs.
The distinctive detail is, however, the use of recycled materials in the construction of the vertical farm. Therefore, we use innocent tubes, boxes of fruit and vegetables, old timber for the realization of the manual model, and also bicycle wheels and transmission belts of trucks along with sheet metal support, for the electric model.



Stefano Grillo, Giulia Schiavetti, Elena Ruocco

STEFANO: Born in Rome (09.01.50) Stefano has been an inventor for a lifetime. As a child had always fullfilled his curiosity about how things work. So far he owns seven patents ranging from motors, to spear guns, syringes hypothermic up to alternative paths for tourist in our city. As a profession he has always been an upholsterer. He has a great passion for cooking and good food. Today is retired, and lives alone with a son leaving abroad as a flight controller. And it is thanks to his son that he met Giulia.
GIULIA: Born in Rome (08/09/86) Giulia is a professional curious. She has a degree in law, specialized in space law, the Outer space law, and she loves to learn new things and meet new people. Thanks to Marco she got to know Stefano, the inventor with the white beard, which gave her the opportunity to follow his plans, learning things and also managing the aspect of communication and business of his inventions.
She is carrying out a personal project where everyone has the opportunity to teach her something and she's learning a lot of different things and she is know realizing that everything is truly connected. She loves nature and the environment, so seen as she also wrote a thesis on environmental criminal law, she fell in love with the vertical gardens project.
ELENA: Born in Rome (27/10/1962), she is a professional cook. She lives in between Italy and abroad and that' s where she learned the importance of self production and biological production of food, and thanks to this project she is starting to realize this dream.
Elena is the coordinator of the group, she organizes the competences of the group making sure that Orticale is ready to produce and to be produced.

Data updated on 2024-05-13 - 11.24.21 am