Exhibitors 2016

Result for TAG "Internet of Things"

Alexande Shusmky
Innovative muscular electro-stimulator, for recovering/improving a grip movement. Costume made splint for FUNCTIONAL and MOTIVATING rehab! Designed to be managed independently!

Arnau Tàsies
1984 is a tracking device. It identifies a person and tracks the itinerary across the room while it uploads pictures to a facebook account.

1Sheeld allows you to use your smartphone as a multipurpose Arduino shield, with sensors, camera, internet, voice control and more.

Marco Ciccolini
the next generation action cam to capture every aspect

Davide Balbi ed il Team di Agricoltura 2.0
Turnkey solutions for the Aquaponics out of soil cultivation with IoT.

a Lab in the AIR
3D CAD models, lego models and citizen engagement for a better local air quality.

Francesco Ippoliti, Riccardo Zorn, Vincenzo Padula, Chiara Bruni
Design with light. A highly interactive product, where you can trigger several light scenarios and stunning effects.

3D Artists
The Alligator Board is a complete and innovative electronic solution for 3D printers, suitable for makers and professionals IoT.

ALLNET.ITALIA is a Value-Added IT Distributor specialised in innovative IT solutions. It was founded in 2000 in Bologna, Italy. It has a strategic alliance with …

Alessandra Antonetti, CEO; Eros Brienza, CTO
Aria is the first insole that can heat and cool the feet, ensuring a constant thermal comfort in every situation.

Autodesk GmbH - CadSoft EAGLE
CadSoft Computer, makers of the peoples first choice EAGLE Schematic and PCB Design Software. Tailored to meet the needs of professional engineers, makers and s …

BEEVERYCREATIVE is a Portuguese start-up that develops high quality 3D printing solutions based on FFF (Fused Filament Fabrication) technology. When we develop …

BeSafe is a campsite powered by solar energy dedicated to population's first aid that is involved in natural disasters.

Team SUAI/IHPCNT (Alexey Syschikov, Victor Volkov, Boris Sedov, and Sergey Pakharev)
Have you ever ask yourself how crazy are your rides? Now you will have answers for all this questions.

Isabella Cristaudo, Maria Chiara Scaramuccia
BigBand is a functional training device based on rubber bands, its core linchpin is an IOT device to monitor performances.

Open BioMedical Initiative
BOB: the open source, low cost and 3D printed incubator

Bare Conductive Ltd.
Bare Conductive makes sensing tools for engineers, designers, and makers. Come to our stand for a chance to play with our demos and see what you can make when you combine Electric Paint with the Touch Board. We'll also be showcasing our newest release, the Pi Cap, which combines the power of our sensors with your Raspberry Pi!

CampuStore, leader italiano nel mercato dell’education, dal 1994 porta innovazione e tecnologia alle scuole italiane. Con oltre 7.700 scuole e più di 800 dip …

circuito.io, designed for makers and developed by the young Israeli startup Roboplan, is a webapp with an innovative engine, providing reliable circuit and code …

SoulRoboX® srl - Bertato Damiano & Marco Giacomelli
Device for sanitizing of smartphones and other electronic devices, it can removes viruses and bacteria from users appliance making them cleaner and safer.

Giorgio Colombo, Roberto Mapelli, Ariia Labs - ariialabs.com
CloudGarden bridges the gap between novice gardeners and expert ones: see your plants thrive and share the results for everyone’s benefit.

Conrad Electronic
For over 90 years Conrad is synonymous with technology. It includes over 750,000 computer products, multimedia, modeling, household items, tools for DIY. At Mak …

Luca Borgia
Light Computer controlled by PC and/or Android mobile . It manages simultaneously AC and DC lights and active light (DMX) .

A cooker hood that you can program and hack like Arduino.

Cooking Hacks
Cooking Hacks - Tasty Electronics. A place for making electronics as common as cooking. Arduino Shop where you can find a wide range of stackable shields, sens …

Cooler Master Europe B.V
We're all about the things that make building a PC such a rewarding experience. The sense of achievement. The joy of making and creating something uniquely your …

Michele Lizzit, Daniele Toppano, Marco Ferrari
Copernico PhyLab 2.0 is a system capable of autonomously collecting experimental data and creating plots accessible via web browser.

We are an ICT Research Center based in Trento, Italy; the team that will participate to Maker Faire works on Research and Prototyping activities for the Interne …

Giuseppe Caccavale, Daniela Esposito.
DanyBoard M0 is an electronic prototyping platform equipped with an MCU Atmel SAMD21 32-bit ARM Cortex® M0 +. It is equipped with WiFi, a microSD reader, supports single-cell LiPo batteries and is 100% compatible with the Arduino IDE.

INTACT, Nicholas Caporusso, Gianluca Lattanzi
dbGLOVE is a wearable device for enabling blind and deaf-blind people to communicate with others and interact with the world, via their smartphone.

Digi-Key Electronics
Digikey is an American Company , privately owned with 3500 employees around the world and a total turnover of 1.8B$ per year. From a single point of shipment …

Hugo Mercier & Quentin Soulet de Brugière
Dreem is the first active device that not only gives you accurate analysis of your sleep, but also improves its quality in real-time.

RoboSec Team
Dude is a robot prototype developed for the study of algorithms for autonomous surveillance of indoor environments

2nd Epal Heraklion, Crete, Greece
Smart Internet Of Things platform for providing better services to patients, visitors, doctors and other hospital personnel.

4 alunni di tre diverse quarte dell'I.Tecnico Tecnologico "E. Fermi"
A walking stick that recognizes user falls and send a text message for help to his loved ones, connecting to the user's mobile

Elettronica Open Source
Elettronica Open Source is a blog providing innovative information, projects and tutorials in many fields of Electronics and Technology including electronics de …

Pedro Nuñez
Cook like a chef at home even when you are out using your smartphone.

Tomas Diez
A FAB City is a new urban model for locally productive and globally connected self-sufficient cities.

Fablab Torino Community
Fablab Torino brings digital fabrication and the Open Source culture in a physical space where machines, ideas, and people can merge and contaminate each other, while learning from one another.

Open BioMedical Initiative
FABLE: the open source, low cost and 3D printed myoelectric hand for everyone.

Fondazione Mondo Digitale
The Fondazione Mondo Digitale is committed to the creation of an inclusive learning society in which innovation, instruction, inclusion and fundamental values are all combined to work together. The FMD mission is to promote the sharing of human knowledge, social innovation, and social inclusion, with particular orientation to the categories at greatest risk of being excluded

FieldEffect Labs
Interactive mirror that can display news, weather, email, social events and updates in overlay, controlled by gestures.

Aurélien Rodot
Gamebuino is an open-source console to play retro games and learn programming by making your owns.

Gameotic is the best driving game in the world


Edoardo Parini
Get is the perfect bridge between smart-watches and smart-band. It's the most intuitive controller, handset and receiver directly on your wrist.

Alessandro Mattioli, Francesco Mattioli, Michele Pergola, Alessandro Caratelli, Mariano Roccasalva Firenze
Gjnius is a powerful and simple tool that allows to implement projects based on Arduino with a simple graphic drag&drop.

Robotics Brain and Cognitive Sciences, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia
Glassense is a wearable assistive device: it is a pair of smart glasses designed to increase the spatial awareness of persons affected by partial hearing loss. It enhances the speech comprehension capabilities of the user.

Harvy is an IoT solution: make a wall interactive through widgets connected to the cloud, powered through energy harvesting tecniques.
Data updated on 2024-06-07 - 11.15.14 am