Exhibitors 2020

Result for TAG "Open Source"

Università degli Studi Roma Tre
B2U is a wearable device to come back to university safely: coming back again for lectures and discussing with colleagues. The bracelet measures vital signs, …

CampuStore - Media Direct
In the booth "CampuStore: Innovation for Education" a truly unique educational entertainment formula will come to life, with 60 different education …

Cocca, the first ergonomic and customized helmet that can be produced in 3D printing for the Paralympic bowls

Manuele Turini
You can go from the classic imaging application for quality control, to the decoding of analog signals deriving from a physics instrument or from the control …

Classi IV A e B Meccanica Istituto Roncalli Sarrocchi Di Poggibonsi
Construction And Implementation Of An Open-source 3d Printer For Educational Use

Bram Peirs
From Waste To Wind is a start-up that builds windturbines from plastic waste. All windturbines are fully open-source and can be built with easy to find parts …

Roberto Colucci
Do you like ice cream? Do you like technology? Do you like 3D printing? Combine these elements and we'll show you how to build a working ice cream mac …

Two pilot plants were prototyped, 1 micro malting system for cereals and other products (e.g. legumes) and 1 digitalized nanobrewery. The systems, developed …

Ryan Buyssens
At once inviting and intimidating, the mechanisms and intricate designs featured in "resistance" draw the viewer in for a closer look. However, the …

Creatorspace (non-profit makerspace)
ISS Mimic is an open-source, 3d-printed model of the International Space Station (ISS). A Rasbperry Pi grabs streaming ISS data from a public NASA server and …

We know it! Every invention begins with an idea, with a precise image that buzzes in your head, insists and wants to be realized. This is what gives you tast …

Making Open, Istituto M. Massimo: Claudio Becchetti, Paolo De Gregorio, Fausto Poletto, Fabio Topani, Fabrizio Olati
Making Electric Vehicles 2020 is a course where 40 students between 9- and 16-years old build 14 karts starting from a wooden board. The newly designed karts …

Social Robot and autonomous robot MARRtino for support and prevention covid 19 in hospitals, catering and many activities in the real world. Marrtino is an o …

Electronic Cats
Meow Meow is an electronic board designed by Electronic Cats that simulates some configurable keyboard and mouse keys. Meow Meow has the characteristic of be …

Johannes Střelka-Petz
Oskar is an open-source, mobile braille-keyboard for the smartphone. The arrangement of 8 mechanical keys in a braille cell block allows Oskar to be controll …

Saperi&Co-Sapienza Università di Roma
Saperi&co is collaborating with Professor Vito D'Andrea of the "Department of Surgical Sciences" for the design of a surgical clamp able to rec …

Riccardo Rosini
From LEDs to photovoltaic panels, up to the most modern quantum computers, quantum mechanics is now everywhere. Makers of all ages can no longer exempt thems …

Quasar Progetto
Since our foundation in 1987, Quasar Institute for Advanced Design has been a cutting-edge structure for academic training, research and innovation in the fi …

Classe 4B Elettronica - ISIS Fermi Mattei di Isernia
The project was carried out with the latest innovative technology and above all with Open Source hardware and software. We are already prepared to use voice …

Team DigiLAB - I.I.S. Alessandro Volta - Frosinone
The project consists of a humanoid robot equipped with a fully mobile head, eyes, arms, hands, fingers, torso and shoulders, managed by two Arduino MEGA 2560 …

Centro FAST- Università per Stranieri di Siena
SCHOLA shares interactive OER (CaaS) to promote digital literacy and social communication skills. The project is aimed at creating a social community of teac …

Everything is mind, everything changes in mutual dependence, the reality is the result of collective thinking. The garden of knowledge is a project that surf …

Gymnasium Vukovar, Croatia / Class Freshman (First year of high school)
SMART CITY OF VUKOVAR - OUR VIEW OF SMART LIVING Smart city of Vukovar, Croatia represents a prototype of the real projection (look) of one part of the main …

At ST, we are 46,000 creators and makers of semiconductor technologies mastering the semiconductor supply chain with state-of-the-art manufacturing facilitie …

Hyphen Hub
For the Maker Faire, Hyphen Hub will be presenting a series of talks with key world figures in the art & innovation industry, performances, 360 video wor …

Ultimate Robotics
uDevices is an open hardware ecosystem of biosignals devices that can be used as medical aids, research aids, fitness wearables, or for development of biosig …

Mc John S.r.l.
The V20-MBC is an easy to build Intel 8080/8088 SBC (Single Board Computer), with a SD as disk emulator and with up to 1024KB RAM for CP/M-86 (but it can run …

Arrow Electronics Italia Srl
A Fortune 500 company with 20,100 employees worldwide, Arrow Electronics guides innovation forward for over 200,000 leading technology manufacturers and serv …
Data updated on 2024-07-16 - 11.45.04 am