Exhibitors 2022

Result for TAG "Cultural Heritage"

Michela Ceracchi; L. Baglioni, L. Carlevaris, M. Fasolo, J. Romor, M. Salvatore, G.M. Valenti;

The prototype to explore the perspective space: choose your combination, photograph the result, discover the principles of illusion in AR!

  D.24 (pav. D)

ITS BACT - Istituto Tecnico Superiore per Tecnologie Innovative per i Beni e le Attivit Culturali e il Turismo

Smart Safety on construction and restoration sites IoT, Machine Learning, Solar Power and 5G Technology

Team del corso di Incoming Event Manager di ITS Turismo e Attivit Culturali Piemonte con Annoluce sas

A new approach discovering a cities and finding their MUST SEE

  O.17 (pav. O)

Fabrizio De Cesaris; Mario Baioli

3D printing of "Temple of Vesta" model to verify the reaction of the model to earthquake stresses

  D.26 (pav. D)

DHLab Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici - Roma Tre

A showcase of research activities run in our DHLab applying ICT to Archaeology, Geography, Italian Literature, Paleography, Art History.

Tecnoseta srl: Massimo Proia, Maddalena Mariani, Antonella Della Bella

Filanda 4.0. A dialogue between tradition and innovation to rethink silk as a new "Made in Italy" excellence.

Donatella Magri e Caterina Giovinazzo

The HeRO project enhances the heritage of the Herbarium Museum of Sapienza University of Rome through the progressive digitization, cataloging and virtual display of museum collections. In this way they are made available to a wide public for dissemination and research both nationally and internationally. Dried plants preserved in herbaria flattened on standard format sheets and ordered with taxonomic classification criteria, are ideal for image acquisition and digital security of biological data.

  D.28 (pav. D)

Andreina Nez Morales

A social awareness interface to help immigrants maintain relationships to their family and cultural heritage in the situation of Venezuela.

  D.26 (pav. D)

To Be Srl

The new horizon for fast, safe and sustainable connectivity.

  L.1.01 (pav. L)

Donato Abruzzese, Alessandro Tiero, Andrea Micheletti, Daniele Carnevale, Srey Mom Vuth, Pier Luigi Abiuso, Carlo Marocchini, Davide Bracale, Carlo Rosa, Piera Cammarano, Mauro Di Giulio, Sara Ferrari, Gian Marco Grizzi

Examples of continuous monitoring of civil structures for safety and prevention purposes

Jacopo Conti; Caterina Giovinazzo; Claudia Carlucci; Michele Macr; Giorgio Lai

Digitization and prototyping for the conservation, protection, research, development, and inclusive dissemination of museum collections

  D.24 (pav. D)

Benhoosh Nejat; Saperi&co

birdhouse/ nest for the Italian sparrow

Nicola Parisi

New organic building systems through spatial tessellation by using environmentally friendly materials and digital fabrication techniques.

Mario Baioli; Beatrice Weilich, Maha Salikh, Marco Pietro Palange, Martina Bernava

Pcto training experience in the field. Architectural and design exercises to make three-dimensional models and architectural models

Daniele Calisi (Dipartimento di Architettura Roma Tre), con Stefano Botta e il contributo di Alessandro Cannata e Massimiliano di Paolo.

Metaverse as a paradigm of representation and knowledge of architecture and complexity: AR and VR in the communication of the project.

Relio Labs

A open-source multispectral illumination platform made for science, art and cultural heritage, to help research institutes during restorations and digital imaging tasks.

  L.1.25 (pav. L)

Federica Vacatello, Marcello Melis, Jessica Follega.

Remote sensing the invisible. A new application of colorimetric and radiometric techniques for aerial survey of intra- and extra-site archaeological presence.

  D.24 (pav. D)

SAPeri&co & Istituto Italiano di Studi Orientali Responsabile scientifico: Sabrina Lucibello Team: Lorenzo Nigro, Lorena Trebbi, Sharon Sabatini, Daria Montanari, Federica Spagnoli

Tactile reproduction of the mummy of the pharaoh Ramses II

  D.27 (pav. D)

Elena Pierri, Nader Al Khatib, Sara Muscolo, Ermanno De Giuli, Elena Papetti, Mirko Pacioni

Training activities in a digital key, enriched from time to time by collaborations with educational institutions, universities and companies.

Sabina Botti, Alessia Cemmi, Ilaria di Sarcina, Monia Vadrucci (ENEA)

The project concerns the development of more sustainable and alternative techniques and processes for the recovery and study of degraded cultural heritage. For the first time in Italy ionizing radiation techniques, available at the ENEA, will be used to treat non-invasively artifacts of artistic and cultural interest. Furthermore, treatments will be carried out with hydrogel with and without photo-initiator to clean paper samples, such treatments use non-toxic, sustainable substances and eliminate oxidation products due to cellulose aging.

  D.28 (pav. D)

Saverio Giulio Malatesta, Laura Leopardi, Paola La Torre, Roberta Manzollino, Paolo Rosati

The Hatrix is a collector of ideas, methodologies, prototypes and digital applications in the world of cultural heritage.

Dario Tamburrano in collaborazione con 3DiTALY, WREP Media Company e il consorzio AMable Horizon 2020 con capofila il Fraunhofer Institute tedesco.

Exploring the use of Additive Manufacturing and NFC/blockchain technology to create experimental toys and collectibles based on mathematical/artistic shapes.

IIS "Sandro Pertini" Alatri - prof.ssa Sara Chiarella, prof.ssa Stefania Tagliaferri

A glance to the future: innovative antimicrobial material for 3D printing developed in a virtuous collaboration between school and industry.


A personalized drone built with a solid-state LiDAR sensor for surface archaeological surveys.

  D.24 (pav. D)
Data updated on 2025-02-19 - 1.54.04 pm