Exhibitors 2021

Result for TAG "Internet of Things"

ITS Nuove Tecnologie per il Made in Italy - MITS Malignani, Udine - Arredo navale e nautico

Abitacolo 4.0: a minimal, multifunctional and customizable space that welcomes the needs and emotions of its temporary inhabitants

  J.2.20 (pav. J)

Massimo Barbaro, Silvia Loddo, Paolo Meloni, Marco Tanca, Riccardo Carboni, Francesco Marcato, Augusto Mura, Roberto Ruda

ACUADORI is an easy-to-use platform for water monitoring of vineyards based on novel wireless biosensors with no impact on farming activities.

Alert Genius Srl

The Alert Genius company, proposes an innovation in the Anti-Intrusion systems domain allowing to maintain an Alarm System always active even with subjects moving in the monitored area.

  F.07 (pav. F)

Giacomo Cesari

Flying Drone with dangerous gases and particulate sensors for altitude analysis

  J.2.03 (pav. J)

Team DigiLAB Volta - I.I.S. Alessandro Volta Frosinone

The Android called 'Brother', with autonomous decision-making abilities and interaction with the outside world based on event recognition through the use of Artificial Intelligence techniques. Brother is able to recognize the Italian sign language LIS by translating it into audio and Braille.

LESIM Universit degli Studi del Sannio, STAKE Lab Universit del Molise, Regione Molise, DISC S.p.A., .ModaImpresa S.r.l., Consorzio Italia Cooperativa sociale

The ATTICUS project aims to realize a hardware and software system for monitoring non-invasive vitality and behavior of users.

  D.03 (pav. D)

Robert Manolea - Mauro La Rocca

Industrial IoT, Structural Health Monitoring, Smart Mobility and Smart Energy are just some of our targets.

Michele Bianco (interferentia srl), Prof Gian Luca Marcialis, Ricercatori Giulia Orr - Marco Micheletto - Andrea Panzino (UNICA)

Biometric Right Data Treatment is an innovative solution designed with advanced biometrics modules developed with artificial intelligence technics for having full management of digital informations sharing between a community of individuals registered with their biometrics data in compliance with General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) EU 2016/679

Manuel Bottini

Dive into our virtual reality games like never before with our sensors!

  E.11 (pav. E)

Giacomo Cesari

Spore and pollen sampler for vineyard / agriculture

  J.2.03 (pav. J)

Massimiliano Ferrante, Stefano Badessi, Paulo Sacramento, Sveinung Loekken

Bringing together local data, Earth Observation and Machine Learning to better quantify the quality of the air we breathe.

  J.1.26 (pav. J)

Searcode SRL

Coverride is a dynamic case that enables user to customize their smartphone design instantly with image, video and animated background.

Cubbit | M. Moschettini, S. Onofri, A. Cillario, L. Posani

Cubbit is Europe's first distributed cloud: its zero-knowledge technology protects your privacy 100%, while saving 40kg of CO2 per TB stored.

Prof. Giorgio Dalpiaz

New multisensor system integrated in a mechanical drive for diagnostics/ prognostics of problems and end-of-life cycles

Anatole Deligant, Paulo Sacramento, Sveinung Loekken

Explore a 3D model of the ESA/ESRIN site in Virtual Reality, augmented with Air Quality data

  J.1.26 (pav. J)


Fully open source modular and customized home automation assistant

  J.T.24 (pav. J)

Giovanni di Dio Bruno

Erwhi Hedgehog is a small open source ROS robot that is capable of SLAM and Vision AI.

Jellyfish Fab. by Lucas Zeer, Cristina Coronado Osornio and Yue Liu

A tiny alien goo that loves to dance and play, controlled by lights and electromagnets and powered by USB.

Marco Ferrantini e Erdit Hallulli

Foglia is a project born in occasion of the Maker Faire Rome - The European Edition 2017. The first version was a small Ikea greenhouse with a whole set of sensors and probes installed using 3D printed supports and adapters. (Learn more about the IKEA KRYDDA). The development platform is RaspberryPi.

Fabio Giovanni Pasquarella e Aldo Pasquale Pasquarella

The first Artificial Intelligence able to create ice cream recipes from scratch! Come and taste the future!

Virgilio Maretto

GIUSTA is a new Delivery platform that revolutionizes the logic of food delivery, with a well-defined positioning that aims to change the status quo relating to the ethics of commissions, protection of the rider, limited coverage of deliveries and quality of the food delivered. It proposes a sustainable, ethical and guaranteed digital food delivery model.

  J.S.26 (pav. J)

Gilberto Roccabianca

Doors and shutters automation. Iot device remotely opens/closes, locks/unlocks all the frames of your house in one click.


Makers ITIS Forl

IoT beehive that record temperature, weight and humidity with Arduino and send data to ThingSpeak with GPRS module

  J.S.23 (pav. J)

giorgia pontetti

How to farm using new technologies, in hydroponic, for safe and nutritious food everywhere on Earth and beyond

  J.S.07 (pav. J)

Claudio Cagnazzi

The SOF'up kit allows you to lift and move armchairs, sofas, sofa beds, storage beds and more by controlling everything with your voice

Lorenzo Diomeda, Luigi Moretti & IntelliHearts Collaborators Team

Thanks to AI, we aim to democratize health technology, providing scientific accuracy to mobile and wearable devices.

Fablab Algeri Marino

SMART WATER ANALYSIS is a tap equipped with a TDS sensor that detects the amount of dissolved solids in the water, allowing us to determine whether the water is safe to drink.

Jeffrey Roe

An arcade-style game that you can play remotely from your own home. Mixing a Raspberry Pi, Arduino and LED display



Sensorised custom-made and 3D printed insoles for therapeutic monitoring of patients in real life.

  J.1.09 (pav. J)

main author: Roberto Seghini co-author: Armando Altieri, Mario DEttorre, Mariarosaria Emanuele, Alessandro Morello - the IoT team @ TecnoStudio Ars Innova

Portable Electronic Mini Lab for Makers - electronic development for makers make easy

  F.04 (pav. F)

main author: Mariarosaria Emanuele, Alessandro Morello co-author: Mario DEttorre, Armando Altieri, Roberto Seghini, - the IoT team @ TecnoStudio Ars Innova

Smart plug and power limiter easy to use: your lights will never go out again

Donato Abruzzese, Alessandro Tiero, Andrea Micheletti, Srey Mom Vuth, Pier Luigi Abiuso, Carlo Marocchini, Davide Bracale, Piera Cammarano, Mauro Di Giulio, Sara Ferrari, Gian Marco Grizzi

A system for permanent real-time wireless monitoring of the stress state in structural elements of new and existing buildings

Fab Lab L'Aquila ETS

Feed both your feathered friends and your mind with this smart, connected and friendly bird feeder.

M.Uras, R.Cossu, E.Ferrara, L.Atzori

PMA solution uses the radio fingerprint emitted by digital devices during daily activities to understand how we move, what attracts our attention and how we socialize.

  K.02 (pav. K)

Giovanni di Dio Bruno

PoopBot is a robot that fuses technology, kawaii and fun for all!

PowerMeter Team

PowerMeter Home Edition is the energy you don't know to have

  J.T.26 (pav. J)

Davide Petenzi

Some cool projects with arduino and 3d prints, a neopixel old clock, led matrix frames and fpv drones!!

  F.02 (pav. F)

Marco Bozzola

We bring professionally-engineered, upgradeable lighting hardware together with Open Source firmware and 3D-printable expansion kits. 100% Makers-friendly!

Fondazione ITS BACT - Students of the Digital Travel Management course - Pablo Ramirez, Stefania De Sio

Multifunctional NFC digital charm to facilitate digitization and automate check-in and check-out processes, monitor your luggage during travel, make transactions, store travel documents and information verified and protected on the Blockchain. Everything safely within reach and Paper Waste Reduction.

  J.2.18 (pav. J)

OpenDot e Fondazione TOG

SayEye: the system co-designed by Opendot and TOG that allows children with severe difficulties to communicate with the eyes.

  J.1.05 (pav. J)

Amleto Picerno Ceraso

The Advanced design for Architecture and Craft Specialization School trains young professionals able to combine tradition and innovation.


Technological innovation does not always mean inventing new technologies, but also making the best use of technologies that already exist and that people know, like home TV. Turning the TV into a "advanced smartphone" with SICURPHONE allows you to provide tele-assistance to the elderly in their home.

  J.1.12 (pav. J)

Angelo Riccaboni

Siena Food Lab is a transfer technology and training project, which supports the agri-food sector, promoted by the MPS Foundation and Santa Chiara Lab

  J.S.21 (pav. J)

Vincenzo Iurilli, Nicol Chiarello, Marco La Barca, Nicola Cristofari, Michele Fabris, Battistella Michela, Paolo Fumene Feruglio

This project,a collaboration between ITS Meccatronico Veneto and EUROPRO (Autotrasporti Marcon), aims at developing an electronic device that enables liquid-food monitoring during transportation

  J.2.22 (pav. J)


Smart School for Healthier Classrooms allows automatic and continuous monitoring of AIQ in school environments

i.s.i.s. "G. GALILEI" Mirandola

our drone device can recognize thermal images from people or organic waste at night. It can send the image to the remote location via Wi-Fi connection. moreover, thanks to other sensors, it can recognize the presence of hazardous waste gas emissions

Paolo Bonelli

A strong motivation for learning STEM: low-cost and open source instruments for monitoring air and water pollution.

  J.1.22 (pav. J)


STMicroelectronics is developing solutions on microcontrollers that bring Artificial Intelligence closer to sensors and enable distribution of intelligence with the Cloud.

  B.23 (pav. B)

Filo Srl

Tata is the brand for parents that provides the right tools for the challenges facing families today.

  E.03 (pav. E)

Michele Tavolacci

feel free to explore remote place with an Actionoiseboard kit and a simple videocall. Muoviti da remoto con una semplice videochiamata.

Data updated on 2025-02-18 - 8.31.04 pm