Exhibitors 2015

Result for TAG "Kids"

Marco D'Alia
3DRacers.com is the first 3D printed, smartphone controlled game where you can design and race your 3D printed car. Design your vehicle online, choose from ove …

BABELINO is a night lamp for children which, by means of an integrated MP3 player, tells stories in foreign languages that can easily be downloaded from the int …

Hubout Makers Lab
Biblioduino is culturale project. It is a kit designed to be lent in the public library and it consists of an Arduino board and various components (LED, sensors …

Adam James Cavallari, Andrea Alessandi, Pietro Paolo Rimonti
bPhone U10: the first cellphone specifically designed for children and their parents. In today’s world, where technology is everywhere and communication tool …

Mirco Piccin, Gloria Spagnolo, Chiara Piccin, Emma Piccin, Enrico Piccin aka "The Pignolo Gang"
Choc-o-mat is a kit to convert a standard RepRap 3d printer, into a system for decorate or print with creams. In the kit there are 2 peristaltic pumps, used to …

Gloria Spagnolo, Emma Piccin, Tiziano Maffione
Colorize is an interactive installation that allows to learn (by playing) how Arduino, conductive paint, capacitive sensor and RGB led strip work: all the elect …

Siobhán ní Chofaigh
It's about surface mount assembly on printed circuit boards. Using a simple flip flop PCB, a toaster oven and a reflow controller you assemble components and cr …

Flavio Mastracci
With Homegrown RC the user will have the opportunity of self build radio controlled vehicles like cars, boats or airplanes starting from a library of parts a …

Marco Bestonzo, Dario Trimarchi
INTOINO KITS are plug&play DIY educational KIT to rapid prototype I.o.T. projects without coding or soldering. Perfect to learn IoT in a fun and easy way!! The …

ITSPHUN is a system of geometric shapes (made of plastic, wood, paper, etc.) that can be combined in endless ways to make wonderful and colorful creations. Thi …

Fabio Rapanelli
KidsPad is an interactive device for children , to learn about the digital world . Thanks to a basic and functional modules , such as the battery , input device …

Mirco Piccin, Chiara Piccin
OSCENO is a node based on the ESP8266 cheap wifi module, plus one or more NeoPixel. The node is able to create an own wifi network, or to connect to an existent …

Stéphane Weibel / Sébastien Schneider
QroKee©, the odd device that helps you draw (with holograms) QroKee© comes as a standing structure, where one finds a digital tablet at the top, the screen f …

Ross Atkin
The Crafty Robot is on Kickstarter: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/460355237/the-crafty-robot-the-5-robot The Crafty Robot helps you invent your own movin …

La squadra CuddlyMade è formata da Graziella&Maurizio, e il piccolo aiutante a forma di elefante, Auhauh
Tina, is a fashionable penguin who likes cuddles. We want to let you (re)discover your child part, thanks to the creativity and smile (when you see her, you'll …

Marco Alama
Toys is a videogame based on the Toys-to-Life structure: it gives life to toys, allowing the player to interact with them on a screen. Putting the character on …

Giacomo Falaschi
I am really interested in creating a modular project and in experimenting with different harware interfacing with each other. My idea is to build a project made …
Data updated on 2024-07-16 - 10.18.59 am