Exhibitors 2016

Maker Faire Rome 2016: discover our makers, exhibitors and all the selected projects!


Mkrlab & Fab Lab Rinoteca
Totally customizable lamp inspired by Café Racer bikes, eco-friendly and with a packaging convertible into a further lamp.

CampuStore, leader italiano nel mercato dell’education, dal 1994 porta innovazione e tecnologia alle scuole italiane. Con oltre 7.700 scuole e più di 800 dip …

CARE srl
CareBag: Online commerce of assembly kits of eco sustainable bags. A little help to our planet, a great educational message.

Carpet - la realtà oltre il tappeto
Carpet è un progetto di tesi che cerca di far convivere il linguaggio antico della tessitura, in questo caso di artigianato sardo, e il linguaggio scientifico- …
  A28 (pav. 8)

CaseInPaglia.it - powered by Archética
  B2 (pav. 8)

Demetrio Condello
Born to satisfy the needs to have a system that can offer a optimal environment for the long raisings required by sourdough. The internal temperature can be choosen from 18 to 40 degrees and it's kept stable by a PID algoritm

Accademia di belle arti di Napoli
  D25 (pav. 10)

Cristina D'alberto, Lorenzo Paganelli
Showcase of 3D printing porcelain tools for the table and the kitchen

Chess Automated is a completely automated device which can enable over 600 million chess lovers, including the 50,000+ people who are playing chess online at any given time globally, to play chess against a computer or even against a human opponent present at any place in the world via the internet on a tangible board.

Luca Acito - Studio Antani
Integrated video system added into an old wall phone to create no cost dynamic video contents

Albert Gajšak, Emil Gajšak, Zoran Gajšak
Arduino, Robots, Raspberry Pi, DIY, game consoles, music players, sound synthesizers. See the interesting work of some interesting technology enthusiast.

circuito.io, designed for makers and developed by the young Israeli startup Roboplan, is a webapp with an innovative engine, providing reliable circuit and code …

Cisco Systems Italy Srl
Cisco is a global leader in technologies reshaping the way people connect, communicate and collaborate through intelligent networks and integrated product, serv …

Maria Diana
Contemporary Jewelry collection made by porcelain with gold and platinum details and laser cut technology

Mattia Cordioli
This project is a representation of an ordinary machine present in most of the games rooms and differs from the others as there is installed a camera for a top view and a module that manages the centralized payment by means of rechargeable cards.

SoulRoboX® srl - Bertato Damiano & Marco Giacomelli
Device for sanitizing of smartphones and other electronic devices, it can removes viruses and bacteria from users appliance making them cleaner and safer.

Giorgio Colombo, Roberto Mapelli, Ariia Labs - ariialabs.com
CloudGarden bridges the gap between novice gardeners and expert ones: see your plants thrive and share the results for everyone’s benefit.

CNR - Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche
The National Research Council (Cnr) is the largest public research institution in Italy, the only one under the Research Ministry performing multidisciplinary a …
  A33 (pav. 6)

Coburg University of applied sciences
Coburg University is a public university financed by Bavarian State Ministry of Education, Science and the Arts. As its English translation “University of App …
  C17 (pav. 6)

architect designer Roberta Galantino
BIODESIGN FOR KIDS, furniture is made of hemp panels with natural formaldehyde-free binder, and the textile line has been carefully chosen putting the use of natural materials first.
  C8 (pav. 9)

WL3D feat Arian Hakimi, Stefano Paiocchi (from Zaha Hadid Architects) and Ezgaat Architects
Application of computational design during the developement phase in the fields of fashion and theirs realization with digital fabbrications process

Codemotion srl
Codemotion Kids is the first and largest school of technology in Italy for girls and boys aged 8 to 18 years. In our educational path you can find not only prog …
  D17 (pav. 9)

Raffaele Corino, +R_elementi
Intended for the educational field, the scale printable version of the study for the transformation of motion, made by Da Vinci.

Ort Holon- class 12
Glove that gives the ability for people who suffer from deaf-blindness, to communicate with society.

CNR-IMATI, with both Genoa and Pavia units
CAxMan aims to establish Cloud-based Toolboxes, Workflows and a One Stop-Shop for CAx-technologies, supporting the design, simulation and process planning for Additive Manufacturing.
  A33 (pav. 6)

Conrad Electronic
For over 90 years Conrad is synonymous with technology. It includes over 750,000 computer products, multimedia, modeling, household items, tools for DIY. At Mak …

Robert Fitzsimons
An umbrella that can tell you the name of the constellation it's pointed at.
  D21 (pav. 5)

Luca Borgia
Light Computer controlled by PC and/or Android mobile . It manages simultaneously AC and DC lights and active light (DMX) .

A cooker hood that you can program and hack like Arduino.

Cooking Hacks
Cooking Hacks - Tasty Electronics. A place for making electronics as common as cooking. Arduino Shop where you can find a wide range of stackable shields, sens …

Cooler Master Europe B.V
We're all about the things that make building a PC such a rewarding experience. The sense of achievement. The joy of making and creating something uniquely your …

Cooperativa Prontotaxi6645

Michele Lizzit, Daniele Toppano, Marco Ferrari
Copernico PhyLab 2.0 is a system capable of autonomously collecting experimental data and creating plots accessible via web browser.

Make your own virtual reality and 3D content with CoSpaces. CoSpaces gives your imagination a place to unfold. With the free online platform you can easily cre …
  C29 (pav. 9)

Crafting and education: artigiani dell’educazione montessoriana
Creiamo materiali educativi per le scuole e le famiglie che desiderano seguire il pensiero pedagogico di Maria Montessori. Lavoriamo sotto la supervisione scien …
  A49 (pav. 8)

The scientific and the technologic activities of the Laboratory for the High-Tech Engineering Applications in Agriculture (AgriTechLab) operates within the Agri …
  A35 (pav. 6)

We are an ICT Research Center based in Trento, Italy; the team that will participate to Maker Faire works on Research and Prototyping activities for the Interne …

Gabriele Crivelli
Light and 3D printing blend together to creating unique lighting products.

Istituto Massimiliano Massimo, Crowd4Africa
Crowd4Africa: producing prosthetics using plastic caps. 69 students build and send 3D-printers to Africa through crowdfunding

Social Wall is a large interactive wall (2.5 m high and 16 m long) with informative and entertaining applications with high visual impact that will involve the …
  A2 (pav. 10)

Paolo Bonelli
"Crusc8" is an easy and smart way to make an analog gauge for monitoring everything in our house and to be in the meantime a nice design object.

Valerio Monticelli
This device for food and/or beverage preparation and cooking, is featured by a base unit, a working plane with adjustable height on which there are a wash-basin, a drip and an electric hob and indeed a stand with adjustable height to host a lighting body and/or a cooker hood

Cut&Go is designed to simplify the use of plastic wrap . Practical, hygienic , thanks to the electric cutting eliminates excessive handling.

Skyward Experimental Rocketry
The Cyrano Program is a project of a remote controlled drone developed entirely by students of the Politecnico di Milano.

Giuseppe Santangelo, Fabio Topani, Claudio Becchetti a nome del gruppo Making 3D Printer for 3D World
3D printing using plastic caps and non-industrial consumer devices: a new production process.

Davide Tranchina
use the worn tires to create the filament for 3D printers

Freixo School Cluster
Robotic art, build your STEM dreams.

A customizable, adaptable and cheap robotic arm, designed with (and for) people having limited mobility, in order to help them in every day action, like eating and drinking.

Giuseppe Caccavale, Daniela Esposito.
DanyBoard M0 is an electronic prototyping platform equipped with an MCU Atmel SAMD21 32-bit ARM Cortex® M0 +. It is equipped with WiFi, a microSD reader, supports single-cell LiPo batteries and is 100% compatible with the Arduino IDE.
Data updated on 2024-07-16 - 8.42.13 am