Exhibitors 2020

Category "Education"

Fondazione ITS TAM Biella
Currently car mats are the most consumed car components. They typically consist of one or more layer of backing (mostly polypropylene fabrics), joined by CaC …

ITS Academy LAST Verona
A.I. 4 SMART PARKING- VERONA PARKING. App that allows you to park easily in the city centre by tracing free car parks avoiding traffic jam, pollution and ... …

Csz Dynamics
You can make your own drink, just how you want it. With the touch panel you can choose between different ready drinks, or create a new one by dosing 6 differ …

ITS Agroalimentare Puglia
From vine to wine; the cap, the drip catcher and the bottle holder for sustainable bottles are created, made by 3D printers with processing waste and pruning …

Approccio #sostenibile all’over-produzione della moda, lavorando su #scartiprimari per stimolare un’#economiacircolare partendo dalle coperte in magazzin …

Classe: 5A IPAI - IPSIA "Antonio Guastaferro" Indirizzo “Manutenzione e assistenza tecnica” - Opzione “Apparati, impianti e servizi tecnici industriali e civili”
Body Position Tracker-IoT Wearable Application Mapping tracking for Hicking Description Body Position Tracker is a wearable Iot system (Internet of Things), …

Agrupamento de Escolas de Alberto Sampaio - Clube dos Pequenitos & Agrupamento de Escolas de Trigal de Santa Maria
This project will lead you into an immersive tour, visiting monuments and getting to know the history of one of the most ancient towns in Europe, Braga, or B …

Classi quarta e quinta I.T.I. G. OMAR NOVARA (nome del gruppo: RAGAZZE PER L'AMBIENTE)
In our territory, surface water is mainly contaminated with traces of pesticides and heavy metals. The work stems from the need to concretely implement a pat …

Fondazione ITS per le Tecnologie dell'Informazione e della Comunicazione
The project involves the construction of an environmentally sustainable shelter, energetically autonomous and with a high rate of automation and interaction …

Samaira Mehta, Aadit Mehta
CODE - EXPLORE - SETTLE at Planet Mars. The future is here and it's ready to play! CoderMarz is the only board game and STEM toy, that teaches about Mars fac …

Circular thinking is the result of a redesign process. It implements a new placement of the workstations used in manufacturing. This device enables an easier …

Workshops, educational activities, tips&tricks and much more on how to use technology in a creative way for fun and education! Come and discover the worl …

Daniel Sandoval Villa
Let’s bring your imagination and creativity altogether to make a set of musical instruments with cardboard, recycled materials and Micro:bit. We seek to in …

Fablab Algeri Marino
At this time of particular difficulty where the hygiene of the environments is very important, we are committed to developing a product in line with the NO C …

Fondazione ITS Mob. Sostenibile AEROSPAZIO/MECCATRONICA del Piemonte
VEAR allows the digital reconstruction in immersive virtual reality of the structure of the cavity of a sick middle ear to support micro surgery intervention …

Classi IV A e B Meccanica Istituto Roncalli Sarrocchi Di Poggibonsi
Construction And Implementation Of An Open-source 3d Printer For Educational Use

Fondazione ITS Prime
Our project wants to solve a problem involving flight simulation business: Cost and diffusion of the products. We wanted to create something easier to find, …

Classe 5 dei Meccanica Meccatronica dell'Istituto Tecnico E. Mattei di Conselve (PD)
This milling machine is a computer numerical control machine and the students of the fifth year have built this machine completely at school following severa …

Scienza Divertente Roma
Our “nutty” scientists are getting ready to camp, they only miss stuff to make a… super scientific bonfire! So what will they do… and what will you s …

ITS BACT "Restauro 4.0" Classroom - Alfonsina Verrilli - Stefania De Sio - Pablo Ramirez
Through the Internet of Things it will be possible to improve predictive maintenance operations, identifying multiple parameters that are measured and proces …

IIS Tito Sarrocchi Siena - Classe IV A Elettronica e Robotica
The idea of ​​creating an "electronic goniometer", that is an electronic board with a digital display capable of providing the rotation angle o …

ITT "Leonardo da Vinci" Viterbo
HENA is a kit consisting of two road safety devices for the deaf and / hearing impaired. The first is a digital intelligent display of acoustic signals with …

ITS Angelo Rizzoli
The project aims at assisting any person even without experience in cardio-pulmonary resuscitation with the use of DAE (External Automatic Defibrillator). I …

Fondazione ITS per le Nuove Tecnologie della Vita
"IGEA, the iDEAl system" encourages a post-CoVid-19 restart by promoting cross-sector support, business kits and employment opportunities. Conceive …

IV Bau IISS Pacinotti di Taranto
The smart dustbin is the result of a partnership between the IISS "Pacinotti" Institute of Taranto and the consultant company Comes SpA, it is curr …

I.T.S. Umbria Made in Italy – Innovazione, Tecnologia e Sviluppo
The ITS Umbria Academy is a post-diploma specialization academy funded by the Italian Ministry of Education, the central Italian region of Umbria and private …

Pärnu Koidula Gymnasium
We've created mobile apps to make the world cleaner and better. We tried to solve environmental problems on the basis of plastic collection, mask training ba …

Making Open, Istituto M. Massimo: Claudio Becchetti, Paolo De Gregorio, Fausto Poletto, Fabio Topani, Fabrizio Olati
Making Electric Vehicles 2020 is a course where 40 students between 9- and 16-years old build 14 karts starting from a wooden board. The newly designed karts …

Our project consists of a chatbot integrated with AI for wellness hotels. This virtual concierge would be able to inform tourists about security measures, ma …

Electronic Cats
Meow Meow is an electronic board designed by Electronic Cats that simulates some configurable keyboard and mouse keys. Meow Meow has the characteristic of be …

I.I.S. Piazza della Resistenza Monterotondo (RM) Gruppo progetto "Ecosistemi & Tecnologia"
The 3.0 Laser microscope can find out the presence of microorganisms and their life parameters in a drop of water. The drop of water acts as a magnifying gla …


New system for the remote control of the rotation temperature. The project foresees an innovation of the current data acquisition system. Currently this acqu …

Fondazione ITS Maker
The restoration of vintage cars through the use of 4.0 technologies to reproduce and market mechanical parts that are difficult to find.

The client server application developed will improve primary trasportation management system by means of digitalization of the B/Ls and will support Each tru …

The project was developed as part of the ITS 4.0 initiative, promoted by MIUR and the Ca 'Foscari University of Venice to spread the use of the Design Thinki …

IIS G. Vallauri
We did have a dream: to retrofit a real car and turn it into electric, 'cause it's a shame to dump so much metal and so much engineering. We had a Fiat 600 w …

ITS Lombardo Mobilità Sostenibile
Ricerca di difetti sottopelle "subsurface defects" su strutture in composito laminate solide, causate da impatti accidentali della struttura dell'a …

Classe 4B Elettronica - ISIS Fermi Mattei di Isernia
The project was carried out with the latest innovative technology and above all with Open Source hardware and software. We are already prepared to use voice …

Team DigiLAB - I.I.S. Alessandro Volta - Frosinone
The project consists of a humanoid robot equipped with a fully mobile head, eyes, arms, hands, fingers, torso and shoulders, managed by two Arduino MEGA 2560 …

Mattia D'Angelo, Giulio Gaetti
For the second time at Maker Faire Rome, Rock 'n' Nerd is back! A couple of 15-year-old friends, who are passionate about electronics, robotics, programming, …

Fondazione ITS MITA
The machine, with digital functions and also with a high impact on environmental sustainability, is a precision edge-dyeing machine for leather goods in the …

Classe 3A Chimica - ITI Cannizzaro Catania
The students, after having extracted the fiber from nettle, agave and broom in the laboratory, created a green tile measuring 6cm x 12cm x 25cm, produced by …

Fondazione I.T.S. Energia Ambiente ed Edilizia Sostenibile
The project came about based on real peoples' needs: people with serious mobility disabilities , who moving about independently in electric wheelchairs will …

Fondazione ITS R. Messina
The "Show Me" project promotes the artistic heritage of the Permanent Exibition of the Salone Satellite, through digital archiving of the works and …

SMART CHARGER by CCL CECONI CREATIVE LABORATORY It is a prototype of a wireless charger for electric cars (or even heavy vehicles). The prototype essentially …

The "Circadian Smart Light" is a lamp capable of providing light with a color temperature between 3000 and 6500 Kelvin, to reproduce sunlight in th …

Gymnasium Vukovar, Croatia / Class Freshman (First year of high school)
SMART CITY OF VUKOVAR - OUR VIEW OF SMART LIVING Smart city of Vukovar, Croatia represents a prototype of the real projection (look) of one part of the main …

Marconi team_SPFD
The system SPFD allows the control of disabled parking areas to detect the presence of unauthorized parked cars. In this case, a luminous/phonic timed deterr …

Quinta C, indirizzo Informatica IIS Belluzzi Fioravanti Bologna
In this school year, face-to-face lessons must ensure a distance of at least one meter between everyone present. This distancing is difficult to respect espe …

Colegiul Tehnic Gheorghe Cartianu, grades 10-12
1.Technology - Addiction and Internet Dependency Syndrome, 2019-1-TR01-KA229-076936_5 http://www.taidsproject.org/ …
Data updated on 2024-07-16 - 11.49.46 am