Exhibitors 2022

Result for TAG "Kids & Education"

MindSharing.tech APS & CoderDojo Roma SPQR

Alla Maker Faire 2022 arrivano rombanti i robot didattici di MindSharing.tech.

Ilaria De Angelis, Adriana Postiglione

What is gravity? How do planets, stars and galaxies move in the Universe? Lets find it out together!

  D.07 (pav. D)

Leonardo Bertelli, Luca Acquati, Federico Sarrocco

Argo is the personal robotic assistant for your home. A robot which can entertain but also be useful.

Giovanni Bernardo

Cheap and customizable STEM Robot based on Arduino Uno with parts printed in 3D and easy-available components.


A VR application of the environment in which the Scipionyx Samniticus, known as Ciro, lived.

Emiliano Gatti

Learn the history of ancient Rome in an engaging and interactive way, your robot is your character in ancient Rome, you have to lead it to the Colosseum, you will receive support from QR codes on the playground that will display animations and information in augmented reality, when you will have arrived at the Colosseum you will discover the thrill of being a gladiator challenging other players in a no holds barred combat inside the "Colosseum" arena. Are you ready for the challenge?

  O.27 (pav. O)

Letizia Marsili, Enrica Franchi, Francesca Capanni, Laura Carletti, Ilaria Ceciarini, Guia Consales, Lorenzo Minoia

The blue crab is a Mediterranean invasive species: our goal is to turn this harmful presence into a valuable resource.

Sandra Chistolini e il team del Corso di Perfezionamento in outdoor education

The project invests in digital knowledge, creates multimedia educational products, gives opportunities to investigate about innovative methodology in outdoor learning.

Michele Praga (e-Nable Italia), Alessandro Villa (e-Nable Italia)

A bike adapter device for children with limb difference problems, configurable to be adapted to the user, can be entirely build with a 3d printer using a flexible filament


ELIO is a special set of electronic boards dedicated to programming teaching and prototyping of electronic projects through visual programming

  L.1.11 (pav. L)

Pio Alfredo Di Tore, Stefano Di Tore, Lucia Campitiello, Michele Todino, Fabrizio Schiavo


Peetri Lasteaed - Phikool, 7 class

Students created games about European countries, their flags and capitals. They used the web-based programs Scratch and AppInventor to make games.

  P.16 (pav. P)

Jellyfish Fab

FerroPets' are programmable ferrofluid displays powered by Arduino. For this year: we will be assembling them into an interactive grid of 25 units.

  L.1.19 (pav. L)

Orazio Miglino, Massimiliano Caretti, Raffaele Di Fuccio, Onofrio Gigliotta, Massimiliano Schembri

The prototypes show the features of a subfield of mixed reality called tangible user interfaces, where the user has to interact with multisensory objects that involve all the senses including smelll.


How the study of human behavior can improve machines

  B.19 (pav. B)

Carmen Ionescu

ITSPHUN is a system which creates 3D objects by interlocking geometric shapes . It has learning , playing and crafting purposes .

  P.04 (pav. P)

Gian Luigi Perrella, Bruno Luziatelli, Carlo Ottaviani per OR-Officine Robotiche

M5Tello for S.T.R.E.A.M. 2.0: Learn to program a drone with block code to carry out many missions in a Educational context.

  C.30 (pav. C)

Sol Bekic, Agnese Del Zozzo, Francesca Fiore, Alessandro Oneto, Verdiana Pasqualini, Carlotta Vielmo, Marco Andreatta, Alberto Montresor

Alternanza scuola-lavoro in the service of popularization: mathematical games and networking between schools and universities

OfficineApogeo, Costantina De Mitri, Luca Di Massimo

We will perform some chemistry, physics and biology experiments, useful to improve science teaching at school.

Carlo Fonda, Gaya Fior, Marco Bruzzo, Sara Sossi, Enrique Canessa

A lasercut replica the original mechanical clock designed by Galileo Galilei in XV Century.

  L.1.26 (pav. L)

Robotics for Rehabilitation team

PhiCube A friendly robotic device for upper-limb telerehabilitation

Ilaria De Angelis, Giulio Graziano, Adriana Postiglione, Massimiliano Di Blasi, Sergio Giannelli

How much would you weigh on Jupiter? How big are Saturns rings? Discover this and more surfing our solar system

  D.07 (pav. D)


Pico Bricks is an electronic development board + software which is designed for use in maker projects. With ten detachable modules included, Pico Bricks can be used to create a wide variety of projects. It also includes a protoboard that you can use to add your own modules!

Metro Olografix

A Social Innovation and Circular Economy project, to overcome the boundaries of planned obsolescence toward a better future


Robot Amico di COMAU, basato sulla tecnologia del Racer3, Amico il simbolo di un nuovo paradigma della robotica Made in Comau e rappresenta il concept di robot umanoide. powered by Opificio Innova

  B.32 (pav. B)

ESA - European Space Agency

What is the future of space exploration? What are the boundaries and limits to be overcome? Exploring space means traveling farther, visiting new places and returning with new experiences and knowledge to help us on Earth

  B.14 (pav. B)

FabLab UniTrento, Level Up Trento

Interdisciplinary teaching paths that make use of computer science and new technologies to teach physics

Elena Pierri, Nader Al Khatib, Sara Muscolo, Ermanno De Giuli, Elena Papetti, Mirko Pacioni

Training activities in a digital key, enriched from time to time by collaborations with educational institutions, universities and companies.

Filo Srl

The smart and portable Baby Rocker giving you a break

  L.T.21 (pav. L)

Saverio Giulio Malatesta, Laura Leopardi, Paola La Torre, Roberta Manzollino, Paolo Rosati

The Hatrix is a collector of ideas, methodologies, prototypes and digital applications in the world of cultural heritage.

Dario Tamburrano in collaborazione con 3DiTALY, WREP Media Company e il consorzio AMable Horizon 2020 con capofila il Fraunhofer Institute tedesco.

Exploring the use of Additive Manufacturing and NFC/blockchain technology to create experimental toys and collectibles based on mathematical/artistic shapes.

Antonio Zarlenga and HyAware Lab of the Engineering Department of the University of Roma Tre.

How do contaminants and water move in aquifers? The project simulates the main phenomena of the hydrological cycle in groundwater

Data updated on 2025-02-12 - 9.47.25 pm