Come rappresentante Automotive per ST ho avuto l’occasione di presentare dei casi reali nell’ambito automobilistico, dove siamo presenti con i nostri prodotti: ho conosciuto i maker e gli appassionati di tecnologia che li usano, ma soprattutto ho avuto modo di consolidare e tessere nuovi rapporti e collaborazioni con le diverse Squadre Corse universitarie presenti, ed ingaggiare nuovi partner interessati al loro utilizzo. Un’esperienza di grande valore da ripetere.
Exhibitors 2021
Result for TAG "Food & Agriculture"
Donato Politan, Irene Ventura, Ludovica Bigozzi, Roberto Ceccaroni.
"lombriCOMPOSTiera", the new community composter that is sustainable, biomimetic, educational and tecnological, that produces high quality compost.
Massimo Barbaro, Silvia Loddo, Paolo Meloni, Marco Tanca, Riccardo Carboni, Francesco Marcato, Augusto Mura, Roberto Ruda
ACUADORI is an easy-to-use platform for water monitoring of vineyards based on novel wireless biosensors with no impact on farming activities.
Antonino ida
Algaria is a start-up that works in the direction of producing in circular mode, and exploit microalgae such as a sustainable ingredient
Giacomo Cesari
Flying Drone with dangerous gases and particulate sensors for altitude analysis
Maurizio Calvitti; Riccardo Moretti; Elena Lampazzi; Giulia Fabbri; Giulia Lombardi
The state of the art in up-scaling an innovative method to hinder the spread of the Asian Tiger Mosquito
Monitoraggio Ambiente Marino e Terrestre - Conservazione della Natura (MAGIAMARE - SIENA)
New deterrent devices to reduce interactions between sea turtles, dolphins and fisheries
J. Liotti, F. Guzzo, P. Allegro, D. Mainieri
Production of food, feed and biopolymers from organic residue of various kinds with black soldier fly and spirulina
Giacomo Cesari
Spore and pollen sampler for vineyard / agriculture
Gianfranco Diretto
Determination of the chemical-qualitative characteristics of the Italian espresso and specialty coffees.
Cecilia Gramiccia, Elena Gramiccia
Gluten Free and Organic Jerusalem artichoke chips, with no preservatives or added sugar. Excellent as snacks and aperitifs
Mindshub APS
CyberOrto is a system that allows you to manage a small vegetable garden in autonomy. You decide, through an application, which vegetables to plant and will provide for their cultivation, alerting you when they are ready for harvest.
Small Giants
Enriched with insect flour, our snacks are mega tasty and packed with planet-positive protein. Ready to join this food revolution?
Marco Ferrantini e Erdit Hallulli
Foglia is a project born in occasion of the Maker Faire Rome - The European Edition 2017. The first version was a small Ikea greenhouse with a whole set of sensors and probes installed using 3D printed supports and adapters. (Learn more about the IKEA KRYDDA). The development platform is RaspberryPi.
Fabio Giovanni Pasquarella e Aldo Pasquale Pasquarella
The first Artificial Intelligence able to create ice cream recipes from scratch! Come and taste the future!
VILLAM (Anita Cal) e ARSHAKE (Elena Giulia Rossi)
It starts from the ground up, metaphorically but also materially. The project becomes the theatre for a transdisciplinary operation moving between the most radical agricultural practices and the most advanced technologies.
Virgilio Maretto
GIUSTA is a new Delivery platform that revolutionizes the logic of food delivery, with a well-defined positioning that aims to change the status quo relating to the ethics of commissions, protection of the rider, limited coverage of deliveries and quality of the food delivered. It proposes a sustainable, ethical and guaranteed digital food delivery model.
Dr.ssa Sara Panseri, Dr. Mauro Fontana, Dr. Massimo Revello, Prof. Roberto Lavecchia, Prof. Luca Chiesa and Prof. Antonio Zuorro
A green technology based on infrared treatment to improve safety and quality of milk and beverages via sustainable process
Makers ITIS Forl
IoT beehive that record temperature, weight and humidity with Arduino and send data to ThingSpeak with GPRS module
giorgia pontetti
How to farm using new technologies, in hydroponic, for safe and nutritious food everywhere on Earth and beyond
Prof. Antonio Zuorro, Dr. Alfredo Malomo, Dr. Rhoman Rossi, Prof. Roberto Lavecchia, Prof. Luca Chiesa and Dr.ssa Sara Panseri
Innovative technology based on combination of MAP and essential oil vapors for shelf-life management of high perishable foods
Prof.ssa Simonetta Pancaldi
Phytodepuration plant which, by means of autochthonous microalgae, reduces the nitrogen and phosphorus load of waste water
Cooperativa Sociale Campagna Sabina
Campagna Sabina is a female-dominated social and community cooperative with the dream of contributing to building the future capacity of the Rieti territory based on food-tourism-culture and the civil and social economy model. It started with a first major project related to agriculture, to aggregate and involve the many small local producers. Currently there are the Filiera Agricola Sabina e Valli Reatine with 33 companies and the filiera corta Campagna Sabina with 12 companies. There are over 60 product references representing all the supply chains: from cereals to legumes to saffron, from cheeses to preserves, from pasta to biscuits, from meat to salami, from olive oil to wine and beer. Many traditional products, but also many novelties. . As part of the Food Innovation Hub project, a Sabinese sauce was created in two versions using traditional local ingredients (Ovalone tomato pulp, salted ricotta, black olives, extra virgin olive oil, mushrooms).
Innocenzo Muzzalupo, Giovanni Misasi, Giuseppe Chiappetta e Cristian Altimari
M-Bioma s.r.l., a spin off supported by CREA, produces technologically advanced unique biological fertilizers based on useful microorganisms.
Laboratorio Biotecnologie, ENEA
Plant Molecular Farming, a biotechnology platform that uses the biosynthetic machinery of plant cells for the production of biopharmaceuticals.
Gianfranco Romanazzi (project Coordinator), Antonio Ippolito (RU leader UNIBA), Davide Spadaro (RU leader UNITO)
StopMedWaste reduces loss and waste of fresh fruit, vegetables and aromatic plants by physical means, natural substances and biocontrol agents
Autore: Laura Gazza (CREA-IT, Roma) Collaboratori : Francesca Nocente e Alessandro Cammerata (CREA-IT, Roma)
The innovation was focused on the set up of an innovative technological process, based on micronization and air classification of partially debranned kernels, able to naturally increase the potential nutritional value of pasta.
Digitarch Farm srl
PuroSole has created a unique roasting system in the world by concentrating sunlight directly on raw coffee.
Knowledge path in the field of biotechnology and bioeconomy, driver of sustainable territorial development through integrated and inclusive actions.
Claudia Zoani, Emilia Pucci
Diet & double food pyramid, the colors of food, sustainability and environmental diet impact, packaging (formats, materials, sustainable packaging, smart-packaging)
Angelo Riccaboni
Siena Food Lab is a transfer technology and training project, which supports the agri-food sector, promoted by the MPS Foundation and Santa Chiara Lab
Istituto Salesiano Bologna (referente Prof. Lanzoni Ing. Elio)
The present invention carries out in-flight surveys of water pollutants by using a drone.
Classe 4A Chimica ITI Cannizzaro Catania
From citrus peels it is possible to obtain, by steam distillation, natural solvents with low environmental impact.
Annamaria Gerardino (CNR IFN); Fabio Chiarello (CNR-IFN); Francesca R Bertani (CNR-IFN); Alessandro Nucara (Sapienza Universit di Roma); Marilena Carbone (Universit di Roma Tor Vergata)
The SpectraFood project involves the creation of a portable device that integrates multimodal spectroscopies for the characterization of the quality of food raw materials, such as grain and flours.
Virgilio Maretto
The goal of this project is to enhance the product chain of the HQF Agricola company, offering the producers a traceability service for all products and narration of key contents to the consumer, based on innovative technologies, first of all the blockchain.
Lupi Paola e Luigi Merz
Within the context, and in partneship with, Lazio's Food Hub we design and produce new products for the farmers.
Gian Paolo Leone, Daniele Pizzichini, Claudio Russo
Circular Bioeconomy - intelligent use of renewable bio-resources, wastes and by-products to obtain bio-based high added products.
Giuseppe Marotta
The VERITAS project uses precision viticulture in order to realize wine with sustainability attributes
The Working Bees
Wastology is a product that allows you to repurpose organic waste by composting it in the comfort of your kitchen. The compost created from your daily organic trash is then used to nourish and grow the plants placed at the top of your Wastology compost pot. It is one concept aiming for a closed-loop.
The Yeastime team offers devices that optimize the fermentation process by reducing time, costs and environmental impact.