Exhibitors 2019

Result for TAG "Education"

Renato Reggiani
Greta Thunberg and climate change are two subjects that are too serious and important for the future of our planet to not even address them by Maker. Building an innovative educational garden with photosynthesis stimulators and sensors with BioPic school kitchen garden is for everybody.

Silvio Scena
Modular Musical Instrument. Each module (1 octave, 12 dynamic keys ) can be used individually in stand-alone mode or assembled with others composing a full piano keyboard. The same object can be used for studio writing or recording, then musicians can use 1 or 2 octaves, or for live performances, then they can use 7/8 octaves. The modularity of the tool reduces its size, and thus favors the transportability.

Daniele GUI, Sabina MAGALINI, Pasquale MARI
The boundaries of cybersecurity in healthcare: how to provide hospitals with the best possible behavioural and governance tools?

The Paper Airplane Guy
Learn to make the best paper airplane in the world. Meet the world record holder, John Collins. See his amazing collection of paper airplanes.

Parconier is a Uruguayan startup, founded by Pablo, Fernando (both designers) and Gonzalo (engineer in electronics), which was formally born in 2018. It deve …

Lino Strangis
Modeled in vr and 3D printed sculptures, virtual reality experience, experimental electronic live music and more ...

VAHA - Virtual Architetture Handicraft Art
Hundreds of designers from Italy and the world, dozens of companies, makerspaces and fablabs for Pattern Your Life, the design of multiple patterns as pieces of a mosaic under construction for the digital revolution in manufacturing.

Pi Supply
Pi Supply have a collective experience of over 50 years in designing, developing and manufacturing electronic products. The company started in 2008 and has its …


Livia Giacomini, Giulia Mantovani, Emanuele Scalise et al. (Speak Science in collaborazione con INAF-IAPS, Università Roma Tre)
Planets in a room is a DIY low-cost kit to build a small, spherical planet and stars simulator

I Malosios
Print your own murble run!

Ilaria Falconi
Circular economy - Reduction of polluting gas emissions - creation of an international network of people who share the commitment and sustainable actions to work towards an ecological and environmental literacy - creation of a short chain of waste management - exploitation and re-use of the resource.

Scuola di Ingegneria Aerospaziale
Integrated bioanalytical system based on lab-on-chip technology for the detection of lifemarkers in planetary exploration missions
  E24 (pav. 7)

Andrea Rastelli, Graziano Pepe Muzzurru, Mina Spasenovski, Mattia Yuri Messina
5 meters 3d printed model of a mosasaurus with augmented reality interactions

Francesco Burlando, Xavier Ferrari Tumay, Annapaola Vacanti
POS3D is an interactive laboratory based on the opensource robot Poppy. Visitors will be able to design Poppy's appearance by interacting with a parametric model and composing the various 3D printed elements.

Sara De Franceschi
Objects for play and therapy purpose, to understand the senses and use them to learn about the world

Paolo Bonelli
ProMicroLoRa is a home-brew board that allows a LoRa modulation radio connection on the free 868 MHz frequency. It is very economical, consumes little energy, goes very far, requires little software that can be managed with the Arduino IDE and interfaces with many different sensors.

Daniele Vigo
An infinite puzzle made with laser cutting to teach words to children through programming and colors.

Team "Nao & forever" formato da: Lorenzo Manini, Luca Silva, Nasko Stamenov, Valentina Cannariato, Filippo Lin, Emanuela Braghieri, Filippo Carini, Federica Bessi, Federica Messa, Nicholas Azzini, Francesco Nicolini.
Electronic cubes allow you to solve problems related to mathematics or language, turning an educational activity into a fun activity.
  B4 (pav. 9)

Quasar Progetto srl
Research, design and innovation. These are the main features that have been part Quasar Institute for Advanced Design’s DNA since its foundation in 1987. Th …

British Interplanetary Society
Working amateur radio station via geostationary satellites and additional informations about amateur radio activities in space.

2nd Junior High School of Chania / SchoolSpace Team
A recreation of an 80s era home computer, designed and built from scratch using a Z80 CPU and assembly programming!

Team ITT Giorgi
A remote controlled robot, useful for investigating disaster sites, analyze them in order to plan the rescue phase, retrieve images and estabilish an audio link with survivors

riscarti festival
Marketplaces for artisans and craftpeople who transform technological waste in handmade and design products Glomoire, PlastcArt, Sabellico, BackBo

Riscarti Fest
Riscarti, international festival of upcycling (music, expo and workshop) reuses obsolete materials and garbage, to rekindle ecological intelligence, re-design the idea of useless, offering moments of sociality, art and growth. Recycling costs nothing, it’s a culture's matter!

Fondazione Mondo Digitale
Road to RomeCup2020 enhances the work of young people who develop original prototypes for international competitions and challenges launched by universities

IISS Manetti Porciatti di Grosseto. Manetti soccer team
The aim of the project is to build two high performing Robots to join RoboCup jr Soccer Open competitions.

DAM Bros Robotics
Robot designed to bring kids closer to programming and robotics. It offers endless possibilities for experimenting with the STEM disciplines (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics).
  E15 (pav. 7)

classi 4A e 4C ISS GALILEI Mirandola
We built a mobile-robot for allow to sick students to follow lessons from their home. They can watch and feel lessons by remote position, but also talking with teachers and friends.

Jasmin Velagic, Ibrahim Alispahic
The robotic machine capable to draw various shapes using graphing pen driven with three stepper motors.

Alessandro Freddi, Emanuele Frontoni, Sauro Longhi, Adriano Mancini, Andrea Monteriù, David Scaradozzi.
Research and Development of Robotic Systems at Università Politecnica delle Marche

MathWorks Academia
Programming and controlling robots with MATLAB and Simulink for education, teaching and research purposes.

RUFA, Rome University of Fine Arts, is a multidisciplinary, international educational centre – legally recognized by the Ministry of Education, University and …

ITS Turismo Marche
Ma.Dì was created to improve customer communication and interaction during his stay in the accommodation through digital tools.

Pärnu Koidula Gymnasium, Form 12
Purpose of the game is to develop players knowledge about safe behaviour in the internet. This game is made for basic school students (aged 7+). In this game two teams take part. Both team has their own colour game bases, on which they have to collect same coloured shapes which are put on different places on the game board. Game buttons are Bee-Bot robots, which are easily programmable. Both team has a quiz about safe behaviour in the internet opened from their smart device. Answering right or wrong depending on their answer they get to move on. Teams have to find the fastest route to collect all the shapes from the game board and also the fastest route to the opponent team start point. On the game board there are different squares with activities which prevent or help to move on. Wins the team who has collected all the shapes and gotten first on the opponent’s starting point.

Jasmin Velagic, Anes Šero, Amel Alicic, Dinko Osmankovic
Design and development of an autonomous two-wheels self-balancing mobile robot which works on the principle of an inverted pendulum.

Food, house, health, energy, work, art and culture. Shamballa answers at basic human needs through digital fabrication.

Francesca Vacca
Kit of molds for the sea made with biomaterial derived from shells completely biodegradable.

Alessio Coco AR+
Silence Box is a sitting stool, made by steel varnished with powder paint and a wooden bahia top. It's a lighting element created for an outdoor/indoor use

Classe 4 AIM (Apparati impianti marittimi) sezione A; I.I.S. "Acciaiuoli-Einaudi" - Istituto Tecnico Nautico - Ortona (CH)
The ship, immersed in water, straightens every time is loaded a weight

Mauro De Sanctis, Simone Di Domenico, Ernestina Cianca, Tommaso Rossi, Davide Fioravanti
We augment wireless communication networks with RF sensing capabilities to recognize actions of people from the analysis of RF signals

Tullia Iori, Ilaria Giannetti
SIXXIGames are serious games to educate young architects and engineers to discover construction history and italian structural engineering heritage.

Prof. Stefano Panzieri, Ing. Chiara Foglietta, Ing. Riccardo Colelli, Ing. Cosimo Palazzo
Is a security device able to filter out attacks to the protocol and, using deep packet inspection, to understand data injection.
  D34 (pav. 7)

I ragazzi iscritti al 1° anno del percorso ITS Tecnico superiore per la gestione e la verifica degli impianti energetici (Fondazione ITS Efficienza Energetica Piemonte - A.F. 2018/19)
A layout shows an integrate system of intelligent electricity distribution network (smart grid) for charging car batteries or for energy storage using interchargeable car battery in replacement stations.

Development of innovative packaging models, to guarantee food traceability, correct consumer information, sustainability and design for all, through the use of augmented reality

Lab RoCoCo@DIAG - Sapienza University of Rome
Social interaction with intelligent robots

4 AM Liceo Statale "A. Manzoni" di Latina
An exhibition of innovative products in the field of music, which exploit the technologies of FabLab and photonics

Fabio Ballanti, Giovanni Saggio
Using a glove equipped with sensors it'll be possible to play a virtual piano in a three-dimensional graphic environment, just moving the hand (or both hands).
Data updated on 2024-05-17 - 10.48.22 am