Exhibitors 2015

Maker Faire Rome 2015: discover our makers, exhibitors and all the selected projects!

Trotec is the recognized technological leader in the international market for laser cutting machines and laser engravers. We understand this as the duty to cont …

Zafar Iqbal
An interactive demonstration of a Turing Machine whereby programs and input parameters can be entered via buttons on its control panel. Programs to do simple a …

Giacomo Falaschi
I am really interested in creating a modular project and in experimenting with different harware interfacing with each other. My idea is to build a project made …

Marco Todeschini
U.F.O.S. is the acronym for “Ukuleles From Outer Space”, the project I will be presenting. I am a luthier graduated from the “Civica Scuola di Liuteria Di …

UDOO is a tiny computer to create new objects and interactions in an easy way. Through UDOO it is possible to prototype rapidly and develop Android, Linux or Ar …

Ultimaker believes in empowering anyone to turn their imagination into reality right in front of their eyes. Ever since Ultimaker started shipping its first U …

Massimiliano Scarpetta, Domenico Sorrentino
We present a 3D scanner that can swiftly acquire a cloud of 3D points, the surface normals and the colours of an object. Using the software that controls the de …

Luca Maccioni - Classe 5^ Elettronica e Robotica - IIS Sarrocchi - Siena
It’s a large interactive board, with a translucent surface, composed of 8x12 LED coloured squares. Each square has an RGB light source that creates a variety …

Officine Robotiche
uNav is a little and powerful control board capable of driving two motors. uNav is sized 4cm, so it can be mounted on every kind of robot. uNav is born to meet …

Andrea Petroni
With the recent advances in technology, the interest about underwater communications has hugely increased. The main activities that can be performed in the unde …

Enrico Magnoni - Andrea Cassinis
System Quick hook to various accessories, such as attached to drone to turn it into a gimbal. With an "accessory handle" becomes a Steadycam,and much more.

We are an Internet Service Provider (ISP), operating in Rome in IT sector since 1985. We believe that the future of Informatics and ICT is in Cloud and IoT.

The Food Innovation Program (FIP) is a full-time, advanced Master’s that brings a distinguished caliber of professors, opinion leaders and entrepreneurs toget …

The Italian Union Chambers of Commerce Industry and Handicraft - Unioncamere - is a public body which associates the 105 Italian Chambers of Commerce and Indust …

The University Campus Bio -Medico of Rome is a university centered on the person that integrates trainin , research and service in various fields of engineering …

One of the first Architecture Schools in Italy (established in 1926), the Università Iuav di Venezia is a ‘themed’ university totally focusing on design. T …

The exhibit is hosted by the working group www.formulas.it of the Dipartimento di Architettura, University Roma Tre. Mission of www.formulas.it: informal learni …

Mauro Del Santo
UnSolid is a design brand of products developed with parametric computations and digital fabrication technologies. UnSolid will show a collection of lamps with …


UP is a new independent European division of AAEON ( Asus Group ) focused on the makers and innovators market. The mission of UP is to “Bridge the Gap” bet …

Stetel srl
A tiny portable device (4cm x 4cm) that allows to track geographic positions without the usage of a gps module. The device relies on different radio networks ( …

Vallauri A.H.R. team
The VAHR (Vallauri Air Hockey Robot) is a table version of an Air Hockey with a robotic game opponent playing with different difficulty levels. Based on an open …

OpenDogs by Vectorealism is an open project that aims to create opensource design products for pets, all made by digital fabrication. FabCani (fabulous or fabri …

Lucio Gonzalez, Ignasio Gonzalez
Vinbox Developments makes open source string instruments up cycling materials, using digital fabrication tools and well as traditional tools and technics, we de …

Claudio Capponi
LIUTALY -Electronic liuterie by Claudio Capponi www.liutaly.it iV Multifunctional Synth-Electronic Violins and Cellos Our Electronic instruments are fully Sma …

VIPER is a multi-board compatible IoT development suite for makers, designers and IoT developers. VIPER supports rapid product development and integration with …

studenti del ITS Aerospazio/Meccatronica sede locale di Fossano
a simple mechanism to balance a ball with the "strength of sight" of the camera placed at one end

Rita Loccisano
VisualFood is a new way of arranging dishes that combines aesthetics and function. Using a variety of techniques, VisualFood can transform your food into little …

Giovanni Marelli
We create a fusion between ethnical and classical musical instruments making use of multimedia device to reintepret and amplify the sound. We present modular vi …

Societa inSOLUTION S.r.l.
The company Insulation srl It was formed with the intention to develop, manufacture and market the system "VIVO", internationally patented, able to maintain the …

Meyer Francis
Una stampante 3D con caratteristiche uniche sul mercato : - molto grande volume di stampa : 400mm x 500 mm x 550 millimetri . - Stampante verde : stampante chi …

harebot Voyager uses the DLP technology to create high precision objects featuring excellent definition even on the tiniest features. The integrated FULL HD pr …

Giuseppe Pesce e Chato Della Casa
The need for this alternative sampling system rose from the necessity to be able to capture water samples from superficial bodies of water that would be difficu …

Alessio Morale and the LibrePilot team
Wanderer is a quadcopter made as a study platform for the integration of opensource softwares LibrePilot and ROS. The on board flight controller (OpenPilot Revo …

Watterott electronic is an electronics company specialized in Open-Hardware, DIY (Do-It-Yourself) and development components. The company was founded by Stephan …

Wave4U is an Italian project based on Know-How, experience and quality in manifacture of hybrid circuit , RF wireless modules and sensors, all on alumina. Wav …

The project born out with the aim of bringing the technology to everyone, where the education is one of the fundamental pillars. By means of a element that know …

Robert Fitzsimons
This project shows examples of dresses and clothing augmented with programmable/interactive LEDs, fibre optics and micro motors. Extending the visual effect of …

Marco Nardin - Gianni Gaggiani
The “Orto Italiano” kit is a little treasure to be saved. Grow the vegetables you’ll find inside the box (seeds) and create your small, lush Italian garde …

Wenda Team (Elia Rocco Ferrara, Mattia Nanetti, Antonio Catapano, Andrea Monterumisi, Guido Rossi)
WENDA has been specifically developed for wine bottles, as an expression of the most important and exclusive Food&Wine market and quality: Wenda Device, Wend …

Alessandro Matera
What Tinys.it is an open source Touch 3D printed LED watch with Atmega328P microcontroller programmed with Arduino. 32 LEDs in circle shows the time. The solid …

Open BioMedical Initiative
The project WIL consists of a mechanical prosthesis of the hand, moved thanks to a special rods system. The device is folly Open Source and consists of easy ava …

Matteo Zugnoni
With over two centuries of evolution of the bicycle has accompanied man in an important technological growth where tradition and innovation are often linked. If …

Maurizio Brusa, Repstar, miuPanel
Wood Moon and a series of clocks in wood that has as a goal the expressivity of the matter in a special way of wood, the material more poetic existing in circul …

Luciano Donatelli; Mauro Rossetti; Mario Ploner
From the initial discover when we realized that raw wool is hydrorepellent but very effective in oil recovery, we have developed a two year project with the ta …

Raffaello Colosimo, Antonio Panebianco, Filippo Braucci.
YOU-GOAL is an automatic replay system for five a side football, to review goals and highlights after the match. Just like on TV! You will not miss any action, …

YPOP (Your Project Open Project) is a start-up serving start-ups, set up with purpose to operate in the growing crowdfunding market. It is acting as a quality a …

Ferdinando Perone
Ywatch is the first PHCD (PERSONAL HEALTH, SECURITY AND COMMUNICATION DEVICE). Based on Android OS, with integrated sensors and sim, Ywatch is able to continuou …

Simona Limentani
Zolle’s main activity since 2008 has been to deliver to the City of Rome food that is: produced or processed in the neighbouring rural areas; healthy for thos …
Data updated on 2024-07-16 - 8.14.58 am