Exhibitors 2020

Result for TAG "Internet of Things"

Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche
The recovery of energy from vibrations via the piezoelectric effect is based on simple devices that can efficiently and sustainably support (no CO2 and wirin …

Massimiliano Ferrante, Stefano Badessi, Paulo Sacramento
The European Space Agency (ESA/ESRIN) has developed a low-cost customised platform (AQP: Air Quality Platform) to measure Air Quality parameters like CO2, PM …

University of Molise
ATTICUS is a hardware/software system based on artificial intelligence able to constantly monitor an individual and to notice anomalies that affect both his …

Università degli Studi Roma Tre
B2U is a wearable device to come back to university safely: coming back again for lectures and discussing with colleagues. The bracelet measures vital signs, …

Taslim Owonikoko
Safely necessity when using digital touch devices become a global concern which needs be addressed. The instant safe self disposable end-of-use benefit is a …

CampuStore - Media Direct
In the booth "CampuStore: Innovation for Education" a truly unique educational entertainment formula will come to life, with 60 different education …

Davide Mulfari
“CapisciAMe” uses machine learning approaches for automatic speech recognition in presence of dysarthria. Our app, available on Play Store, allows users …

As part of the Agri 4.0 (PSR Trentino) and Agridigit sub-project Agrofiliere projects, open source control units were built and tested to record soil moistur …

Centro di Eccellenza DTC Lazio
Founded on July 2018, the Technological District of Cultural Heritage Lazio is a Centre of Excellence that works for the research, the innovation and the te …

Università Iuav di Venezia
The Università Iuav di Venezia presents at the Maker Faire 2020 a selection of teaching and research projects dedicated to Circular Economy and developed in …

Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna
The project has the objective to promote a selection of patents belonging to the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna portfolio. In addition, networking activities a …

Consorzio CREATE
Digital Innovation Hub² (DIH²) and Robotics for Inspection and Infrastructure Maintenance (RIMA) are European projects funded under the European Union’s …

Manuele Turini
You can go from the classic imaging application for quality control, to the decoding of analog signals deriving from a physics instrument or from the control …

Terna SpA
We are one of the leading European electricity Transmission System Operators (TSOs), with more than 74 thousand km of high-voltage lines managed all over Ita …

A solar-powered “pasta dryer” was carried out by the employment of the Internet of Thinks (IoT). With the aim to realize a mobile plant suiteble for the …

Filo Srl
We help people to always stay close to what they love most

ITS BACT "Restauro 4.0" Classroom - Alfonsina Verrilli - Stefania De Sio - Pablo Ramirez
Through the Internet of Things it will be possible to improve predictive maintenance operations, identifying multiple parameters that are measured and proces …

GSNET is a company capable of supporting customers with design, creativity and experience, through the use of Emerging Technologies, to create the best ICT s …

The digital innovation company for the Chambers of Commerce

IV Bau IISS Pacinotti di Taranto
The smart dustbin is the result of a partnership between the IISS "Pacinotti" Institute of Taranto and the consultant company Comes SpA, it is curr …

Creatorspace (non-profit makerspace)
ISS Mimic is an open-source, 3d-printed model of the International Space Station (ISS). A Rasbperry Pi grabs streaming ISS data from a public NASA server and …

I.T.S. Umbria Made in Italy – Innovazione, Tecnologia e Sviluppo
The ITS Umbria Academy is a post-diploma specialization academy funded by the Italian Ministry of Education, the central Italian region of Umbria and private …

Lazio Region, the Regional Union of Lazio Chambers of Commerce and Rome Chamber of Commerce present “

Witsense - Emanuela Corti, Ivan Parati
Lovewear is a smart underwear that helps people of all abilities to self-explore and enhance their own intimacy and sexuality through integrated soft robotic …

We know it! Every invention begins with an idea, with a precise image that buzzes in your head, insists and wants to be realized. This is what gives you tast …

The client server application developed will improve primary trasportation management system by means of digitalization of the B/Ls and will support Each tru …

IFN - CNR Institute for Photonics and Nanotechnologies
PhasmaFOOD's primary goal was to design and implement a multi-target mini-portable food-sensitive system for in-field sensing of food quality. The integrated …

The project was developed as part of the ITS 4.0 initiative, promoted by MIUR and the Ca 'Foscari University of Venice to spread the use of the Design Thinki …

PID - Punti Impresa Digitale
The service structures can be found throughout the country to support the digitization of SME (Small and Medium Enterprises).

Quasar Progetto
Since our foundation in 1987, Quasar Institute for Advanced Design has been a cutting-edge structure for academic training, research and innovation in the fi …

FLUSHHH, addon board for Raspberry Pi. PWM Fan, WS2812b led and Power/Reboot Button. FLUSHHH is the all-in-one solution for the Raspberry Pi family. PWM Fan …

Team DigiLAB - I.I.S. Alessandro Volta - Frosinone
The project consists of a humanoid robot equipped with a fully mobile head, eyes, arms, hands, fingers, torso and shoulders, managed by two Arduino MEGA 2560 …

Depalletizing robotic systems are commonly deployed to automatize and speed-up parts of logistic processes. Despite this, the necessity to adapt the preexist …

SMART CHARGER by CCL CECONI CREATIVE LABORATORY It is a prototype of a wireless charger for electric cars (or even heavy vehicles). The prototype essentially …

Gymnasium Vukovar, Croatia / Class Freshman (First year of high school)
SMART CITY OF VUKOVAR - OUR VIEW OF SMART LIVING Smart city of Vukovar, Croatia represents a prototype of the real projection (look) of one part of the main …

Acea SpA
ACEA is one of the leading Italian multiutility operators. Listed on the Italian Stock Exchange since 1999, the company manages and develops water and electr …

Quinta C, indirizzo Informatica IIS Belluzzi Fioravanti Bologna
In this school year, face-to-face lessons must ensure a distance of at least one meter between everyone present. This distancing is difficult to respect espe …

Colegiul Tehnic Gheorghe Cartianu, grades 10-12
1.Technology - Addiction and Internet Dependency Syndrome, 2019-1-TR01-KA229-076936_5 http://www.taidsproject.org/ …

At ST, we are 46,000 creators and makers of semiconductor technologies mastering the semiconductor supply chain with state-of-the-art manufacturing facilitie …

Classe V ITT, Istituto Tecnico Tecnologico, indirizzo elettronica ed elettrotecnica con articolazione automazione
It is a system equipped with a GPS card, able, thanks to a thermocouple, to inform an operations center in real time, the beginning of a fire in a wooded are …

Made by parents for parents: Tata Pad is the only child-reminder device with 3 alarm levels for maximum safety. It is certified according to the law and comp …

The innovation consists in a sensorized hive frame and a scale that allow to monitor some crucial parameters of the system BEE-SWARM-HIVE. The complex of sen …

In compliance with the guidelines and objectives of the 2030 Agenda, a sustainable "solar" dehydration process of fruit and vegetable products and …

Fondazione Mits Istituto Tecnico Superiore Nuove Tecnologie Per Il Made In Italy
Italy has important numbers of vending machines for the involvement of over 20 million consumers and 35,000 jobs. Each of these distributors produces waste, …

Università degli Studi di Verona
The National Evaluation Agency for research and university system (ANVUR) awarded the Department of Computer Science of the University of Verona a grant for …
Data updated on 2024-07-16 - 11.43.27 am